All's well that ends well.

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The rest of the team cleared of the field leaving a triumphant Friday, a trying not to look impressed Ian, a sleepy Melanie, a curious Susan, just Drake, and two very embarrassed Owens twins.

"Wow, how did you figure that out" The real Ivan mumbled.

"You ate Susan's cupcake not only did you pick the red one (showing that your used to that color and would chose it without thinking) but you ate it. Which I found interesting and slightly concerning seeing as Colin is highly allergic to eggs" Friday said grinning at the two twins.

"Oh, of course because anyone with food allergies should know that my cupcakes are of bounds" Susan said, looking at Ivan as if he were an absolute idiot.

"Of course, he knows that" Colin said, Ivan finished of the sentence "I just forgot because the cupcakes looked so delicious."

"Thank you" Susan said.

"I also checked one of the goals "Ivan" had kicked, he kicked the ball of his left boot that's when I knew that Colin was Ivan and Ivan was Colin" Friday said showing them the video. Sure, enough Colin kicked it with his left boot.

Later that night they were all sitting in the dining hall talking about the happenings that day.

Ian turned to Friday and asked, "Were you able to get some good footage for my college application".

Friday blushed and dumped the camera in front of him "I think you might want to film another match". He looked through all the footage, Friday thought he was going to lose it but instead he just laughed and said, "Oh well it will be good practice for next time".

"Next time" Friday said in confusion. Ian flashed his most dazzling smile "No, no, no" she said shaking her head.

"Well, I sure can't use this" he said gesturing to the camera.

"Won't Patel be better by then. Won't Patel be better than me" Friday groaned.

"Yeah but, making you do it is so much more fun, besides our team so messed up we might need your help again" Ian said.

Friday banged her head on the table "Fine I'll do it" she said her voice muffled by her face pressed up against her plate.   

Ian sat her up and rapped his arm around her shoulder and yelled "You here that guys Friday says she'll be at our next match." The whole team cheered.


Back to real time.

"and that's how I solved the soccer sagga" Friday said.

"Wow, is that why Dad wants me to take soccer lessons" said Astrid. 

Friday glanced at Ian "One of the reasons yes." 

"We want her learn before she gets to old" Ian said.

"Honey, she's six" Friday said lifting her daughter onto her lap.

"My point exactly, now let's go we're going to be late" Ian said grabbing her hand. Friday laughed shaking her head.


The case of the soccer sagga (Friday Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now