The Beginning

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It was two days before the games, today we get out scores on our skills. Finnick and Mags took us to the training room and we practiced what we we're going to practie, I decided I was going to use my trident, rather than the daggers just in case Snow decides he doesn't like me and removes the trident. 

Everyone was going in one by one then it came my turn. Everyone seemed invested in what I was doing so I put on a show. I set the simulation thing to the impossible mode then did something I know was going to get Snow's attention. I started singing one of my grandma's songs while fighting. 


"The world its cruel" Swing.

"With troubles aplenty" Stab.

"You asked for a reason" Swing.

"I got three and twenty" Slash. 

"For why I trust you" Swing. 

"Your as pure as the driven snow" I stabbed the last guy


They we're all clapping from above. I had put on a show and I knew they liked it. Good. I stepped out and everyone remaining looked at me. Their was a little tv where you could see everyone. I looked at them for a second and went straight over to Finnick. Finnick put his arm around my back and walked me out. 

"What was the singing for?" Finnick asked.

"Its a little something for Snow to suck on while he contemplates how he wats to go about the situation" I smiled sarcastically. 

Finnick laughed at what I'd said then we stepped into the elevator. 

"Which reminds me I don't know how Snow's going to react about the situation, I have sponsors we both know that, I need you to always be ready to send me what I need If I'm being attacked, or I have an open wound, or if I simply need water" I looked at Finnick. 

"I'll be watching you 24/7 you will survive this Charity" Finnick said. 

"I'm really going to try to, tonight after the interviews we're going to fully go over the plan right? And tomorrow morning too?" I asked. 

"Yes" Finnick nodded as we got to our floor. 

We hung out for a few hours before the scores came in. I didn't really pay attention to anyone's before mine It was mostly sevens, sixes and eights with the occasional nine. 

"Ray Travis, with a score of nine" Ceaser said. 

Okay It was me now, please get a decent score, please get a decent score. 

"Capitol's favorite, Charity Gray with a score of, eleven, our highest score so far" Ceaser said.

"Eleven" I muttered. 

I mean eleven is a good thing but ten would have me better off, I might be a target or an ally depends on what the other districts think. Everyone in the room was cheering me on but FInnick knew this could mean trouble. I went to sleep. 


I woke up. It was the last day of training, tonight we had out interviews with Ceaser and tomorrow, he games begin. Ray Finnick and I went over strategies on how we could last in the game. This year's arena was going to be a humid hot rain forest situation. There would be plenty of water which is good for me, Ray and I would have an advantage point. 

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