Victory tour Part 1

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Tomorrow, I leave with Finnick for my victory tour. In all honesty I think it might end up being harder than the games were. I have to see the families of the fallen tributes. The faces of the tributes. I had to see Genevive and Auggies family.  I don't want to go on it at all, can I seriously just skip to the party?

I was sitting on the couch with Cordelia and her mother and we we're watching the capitol news. 

"Tomorrow starts this year's victor, Charity Gray's victory tour! As always, the stops will go from the poorest district to the richest, tomorrow you lucky folks at 12 will get to see the victor!"

"Oh great 12 first, I have to see the boy who killed my friends' family and picture?" I buried my face in my hands. 

Cordelia's mom pulled me into her chest in a hug. 

"It's okay darlin' you'll survive this. You're a survivor, you can do this" Her mom rubbed my back. 

"Yeah, plus you'll have Finnick with you the whole time" Cordelia reassured me. 

"Yeah" I whispered. "I'm going to...... go upstairs...." I paused. "Finnick." I whispered before running upstairs. 

I ran into my room and slammed the door. I rummaged through my drawers grabbing my swimsuit. I quickly changed into it and put my hair up. I threw an oversized shirt over and ran downstairs. 

"Going swimming" I said leaving the house. 

I got onto my bike and pedaled Fastly to get to the ocean. I needed to swim, to get my mind off of everything. I made it to the ocean and dropped my bike. I walked over to the water and walked in. I got about waist level. I cupped water in my hands and splashed it on my face. I then gasped for air then went underwater. I sank to the ocean floor and laid there for around two minutes. Then I went back up for air. 

I wonder how far I'd be able to swim before the peacekeepers found me. I wonder If I'd make it out of Panem. I wonder what's past Panem. 

I went back underwater and swam really far out. I was in the ocean for about an hour now. 

I had looked back at the shore and saw Finnick on his bike riding Fastly to the shore. Oh no. I went back underwater and swam to more shallow waters. I went above shore to see Finnick swimming to me.

"Charity!" he yelled. 

"What?" I yelled back as he swam up to me. 

"What's wrong?" He cupped his hands on my face. "Cordelia and her mom we're worried about you, I was too! You scared me!" Finnick started tearing up. 

"I'm okay! I'm okay Finnick. I just needed to clear my mind" I paused. "I'm nervous for my victory tour. I'm sorry." 

"It's okay. Don't just run out like that though, you worried us all. You're going to be okay during your tour, just read off the cards and if you're asked any uncomfortable questions dodge them" Finnick looked at me. 

"Ok" I said. 

"I will be their every second for you during the tour" Finnick said. 


"I love you" 

"I love you too" I said as I kissed Finnick. 

Finnick and I swam for the next hour before going home. 

I got home and I showered. I also put lotion on because the salt water dehydrates skin heavily. I put pajamas on, then ate. I checked my things I'm bringing on the victory tour with me to make sure I had everything I needed. Then I went to sleep. 

I woke up really early because the train ride to 12 was very long. I grabbed everything and said goodbye to my new families. I feel like I've been here before. Finnick and I got on the same train I took to and from the games. I immediately went into the back window room. I laid on the couch and tried to rest just a bit. Finnick came in after he sat on the couch next to me. He lifted my head into his lap and played with my hair while I rested. 

We got to district 12, and it was the evening. I got my notecards from Terri and went on stage where the whole district was watching me. I read off the cards then looked up at everyone. 

"P-Panem today, Panem forever" I knew the whole district was mad at me, but I got escorted out of there. 

I started crying, I don't know why I just did. Finnick hugged me. He took me to the train where we went back to the window room. 

"They hate me" I said. 

"No, they don't" he said. "They know the capitol's making you say that."

"They don't" I cried burring my face into my hands. 

"They do I promise" 

I cried a lot longer after that. I ate the train food and went to sleep. District 11 and 10 we're similar to how 12 was. 9 was going to be the hardest because of Genevive. 

I arrived at 9 and I was very nervous. I got off the train and saw the crowd. Almost immediately I saw Genevive's family, I know how they treated her. I knew I couldn't read off the cards here. 

"Hi I'm Charity Gray.... I'm sure you know that. I never knew Charlie, but he seemed like such a sweetheart in training. I'm so sorry for your loss. I did know Genevive; I also knew you never really accepted her here. If it weren't for Genevive, I wouldn't be alive right now. She was there for me the whole time. She, rather than leaving me to die, treated my wounds and made sure I was protected. I want you all to know that she deserved so much better. Not just in the games but in her district. You guys didn't accept her. Thats why she volunteered, she wanted to leave. I'm asking this to all of you. Never make another person feel like that. Oh yeah, Panem today, Panem forever" I walked off the stage. 

(Sorry It's sort of short, their will be more in the next chapter!)

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