Side Effects of Mentoring

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Chanson and Hazel, we're going to have their scoring today. I'm hoping they don't get too high of a score though because then either they will become allies with the wrong person, or instantly targeted. Finnick and I got escorted into a room to watch them "preform," Chanson was first. 

Chanson walked in and grabbed a throwing dagger. He threw it to the wall then flipped off the capitol citizens watching. Oh no. Hazel walked in next. She grabbed a knife and a target. She carved the words "Fuck the Capitol" Into the target and walked out. Our tributes are so dead now. 

Finnick and I looked at each other for a moment. 

"Oh no" I muttered as we started walking. 

Finnick and I got into the elevator where Cashmere, a former winner and now mentor was. 

"My tribute is not lasting, what about you guys?" Cashmere asked. 

"They both majorly disrespected the capitol, if they last the blood bath, I'll be surprised" Finnick remarked. 

"My bets on that Tiffany Waxler girl from 10" Cashmere said. 

"She's strong in that sense, if she doesn't, I'll be surprised" I said. 

"Whoever wins is in for a lifetime of trauma" Finnick muttered as Cashmere got off at her stop. 

For the rest of the elevator ride, I sat there and contemplated how I was going to talk to Chanson and Hazel. How I was going to tell them that they are in deep trouble. However, if I'm being completely honest, I hope that they both become fallen tributes, I don't want them to have the problems I have. I don't want them to deal with a lifetime of pain. 

We got to the room and sat on the infamous couch, then we waited for Chanson and Hazel. Once the two got there they sat on the couch. 

"What was that about?" I asked. 

"I don't know" The two said. 

"Whatever, anyways we got insight about this year's arena" I said. 

"What is it?" Hazel looked at me curiously.

"Ruins of the empire state building, from the old world. It's going to have many animals you may think you've never seen before, don't be fooled by the capitol mutts though, because that's just what they are" I finished. 

I continued explaining ways for then to survive the games, as did Finnick. Eventually we could tell they we're getting bored but then the results came onto the tv. Most of the scores we're sixes and eights. 

"Chanson Arkie, with a score of.... 12" Caeser said. 

Finnick and I looked at each other, we knew exactly what was about to happen. 

"Hazel Arkie, with a score of............ 12" Caeser added. 

"Oh, so were dead dead, like totally dead" Chanson said.

"Hey maybe not, you might get good allies" I encouraged, though I knew they weren't lasting. 

After eating food and talking for a bit I went to Finnick and I's room and laid down on the bed. Eventually Finnick came back in. 

"You never told me mentoring was so hard" I sighed. 

"I've only mentored twice, once with you, who won" Finnick replied. 

"True" I muttered. 

I went to sleep. 

For today's training I made Chanson work on making friends. I know I sound like a kindergarten teacher saying that but, if he wants to survive with the score, he ended up getting, he's going to need friends, allies. 

After the day of training, they had gotten ready for their interviews. As always, the stylists styled them in the most revealing, ugly, outfit. 

When Hazel went out, Caeser was definitely staring, I feel so bad for all of the female tributes, and some of the male. Caeser was such a dirty creep. I wish he got thrown into the games. I actually wish all the creepy capitol people did. 

After their interviews we all went to sleep. Tomorrow was their games.

I sat at the screen with the capitol people and the mentors to watch the games. I didn't want too, I had too. The countdown was going, and I could see that Hazel and Chanson we're about to run into the blood bath rather than the woods. 

The cannon went off and they we're both running to the bloodbath. They both managed to get weapons, then they killed two people, one each. Luckily, they both stuck together and ran into the woods. So far so good. 

Since they seemed safe for a bit, I got up and walked outside to get some air. This was all so overwhelming and sad and scary, just a full brown hurricane of emotions. I sat on a curb and stared at the cars driving by, wondering how many of them we're listening to the games on the radio. Finnick came running after me. 

"Hey, you okay" He asked while helping me up. 

"Just overwhelmed" 

"I get it" He paused. "This is how I felt with you but multiply it my one hundred. I was so scared you might die." Finnick said. 

I smiled a bit, 

We started to walk back into the room, then sat down back at our seats. Our tributes we're still alive, as of right now, that is. 

I started to get tired and so did Finnick. We had been sitting in the room since the early morning. We both went back to the apartment and went to the living room. We turned on the games and watched. Chanson and Hazel, we're being targeted, but they we're safe.  I fell asleep on the couch. 

I woke up to Finnick shaking me aggressively. I looked at the tv and saw our tributes being chased. They we're being chased by district 1 and 2. Chanson tripped and rolled down a small hill. The boy from one ran over and pinned him down, he then started to stab him multiple times. Until Chanson died and the cannon went off. Hazel managed to get away. 

I started to tear up, I don't want to be a mentor anymore. I hated this feeling. I tried my hardest to give him the best survival skills, I tried my hardest to make sure he lived, but he didn't. I went back to sleep with blood-shot red eyes with puffiness. 

In the morning, Finnick and I went back to the building to watch the games yet again, we would be heading back to four after Hazel has fallen. 

It has been about a week and Hazel and three other girls we're the only survivors. There we're no boys left alive. I could tell Hazel had fallen depressed after watching her brother pass away, I felt so bad for her. 

Later in the day Hazel was trying to get water when a spear went through her. Not again. I've lost so many people due to spears. I was having major Deja vu, trauma. After watching Hazel die the same way Auggie and Ray died, all three of their deaths we're replaying in my head like a broken record, over and over again. Every time I thought about Ray, Auggie and Genevive, I thought of ways I could save them. I thought of ways to keep my friends alive, but it's no use. Nothing I could've done could have made things change. The past has past. 

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