Days 6-8

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A/N Hi everyone reading this, I hope you like my story so far! I have a question so to those who are reading this please comment what you think. Should I do the 75th games in this book too or should I do a sequel LMK!!!

Warning! This chapter involves harsh thoughts and heavy topics!


Genevive's Pov:

Day 6

The boy from twelve didn't bother us that night. I managed to ger a full night of sleep which was good because I was still looking after Charity who was still passed out. She was alive though which was most important. Finnick needed her alive. I know Charity was always confused why I put her life above mine, there's a reason I volunteered for the games, it wasn't so I could win. I did it to save the young girl who was called life. Though I was going to volunteer anyways. My district was never too fond of me. I didn't have any friends. My own family discarded me. Nobody even visited me to say goodbye. Thats when I knew I didn't need to survive or win the games, everyone was going to look at me the same, everyone was going to discard me. I don't have a district to go home too. 

Charity has to win this year's games. She has too. 

I spent most of the day watching Charity for changes in breathing patterns or heartbeat patterns. I need to keep her alive. The only thing I couldn't help is her food or water intake. I know there are cameras always watching, So I'm going to use that to my advantage.

"If anyone's watching, how can I make sure she has enough water and food?" I asked. 

I waited a few minutes, but I didn't think I was going to get any help. Then I heard the parachute sound. Yes. The parachute was right outside the cave. I quickly reached my arm out and grabbed it. I opened it. 


A/N I'm about to make this part up don't think it's real!


The note said, "The human body can go weeks without food, use the tube and put it down into her throat, then funnel water down it. Keep my girl alive" - Finnick. 

I took the tube, then opened Charity's mouth. I really hope her gag reflex isn't bad. I stuck it down her throat then, put the funnel on top of the straw, then poured little amounts of water in at a time. However, that made us run out of water. That meant I needed to risk safety to get water. I grabbed a knife and the water bottle and left the cave. 

I made it to the river and filled up the bottle. I gripped my knife hard. I filled up the bottle then ran back to the cave where nothing changed. I got off safe for now. I ate more bird then went to sleep. 




I woke up. There was a wrap around my arm, Genevive was sleeping. It was night. I was so hungry. I looked over seeing Gennie left some bird for me. I weakly walked over to the bird and ate almost half of it. I also looked over and saw that there were two parachutes from sponsors. I read the note from the closest one. It was about a tube to keep me hydrated, but the last part said, "Keep my girl alive"- Finnick. I knew he was watching me read this right now, I knew all of Panem was watching me blush over a silly note. Too bad because they we're likely going to watch me blush over another silly note. I walked over to the other one, it was talking about medicine and a wrap, but the last part made me blush a bit too. It said "I need her alive" - Finnick. I wish I could talk to Finnick right now. 

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