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It was time for the 69th Hunger games reaping, unlike last year, this year I have to sit on the stage with the other Victors, I didn't have the chance of being reaped, or volunteering. I don't think Cordelia has the chance of getting reaped either, luckily. 

I put on a blueish beige dress and kept my hair down. Then I went downstairs to see Cordelia's mom Jainie sitting at the table. 

"I can't believe we have to lose you for a month every year to the games" Jainie said. 

"At least you know I'll always come back" I slightly smiled. 

"Yeah, lets head to the reaping kiddo" Jainie said as we walked outside to see Cordelia and her father waiting for us. 

The walk to the reaping was much different then all of the other ones I've been on. We we're all talking and happy, none of us are going to lose each other in any more Hunger Games. Once we got to the reaping I didn't have to do my blood prick, I just had to go on stage, and I sat by Finnick. Finnick had sorrow in his eyes, and I could tell. 

Terri walked on stage and played the infamous video that the capitol makes us watch every year. I don't even know why It's not like anybody actually cares to watch it or listen, everyone knows it by heart. I could perform that video myself. 

Terri went over to the girl's bowl, "Cheron Holly" 

I know her! Cheron is the little 13-year-old who works at the fish shop. Poor girl, she was literally being sent to her death. 

Terri walked over to the boy's bowl, "Dayton West"

I didn't know who Dayton was, but I think Finnick does by the way he reacted to it. 

"I Volunteer" I heard a yell from the crowd, a boy walked up to the stage. 

"I Volunteer too!" A girl yelled and walked up to the stage. 

"Two Volunteers! What's your names?" Terri asked. 

"Hazel Arkie" 

"Chanson Arkie" 

"Siblings?" Terri asked. 

They nodded. 

Why would two siblings volunteer together? If they make final two only one would win which means killing the other. If they died, which is probably what's going to happen, what about their parents?

We went onto the train and Finnick and I sat across from them. 

"Why'd you too volunteer?" Finnick asked. 

"Our parents wanted us too, to show who's the better sibling, and it's obviously me" Hazel said. 

"Wrong, but yeah our parents practically raised us for it, to show who they love more" Chanson said. 

Oh my gosh. These two siblings went through the same thing I did, except they actually volunteered because of their parents. They actually believed their parents about everything. I can't believe their doing all of this for their parent's love. They might not even survive because of it. 

"H-how old are you two?" I asked. 

"17" Hazel said. 

"!8" Chanson added. 

I'm the youngest person in the room. 

"Who do you two want as your mentors, you each get one" Finnick told them.

"Seriously?" Hazel asked. 

"Seriously" I copied. 

"I'll take you" Chanson said to me. 

"Ok" I muttered. 

"I guess I get Finnick" Hazel said with attitude. 

"What do I do to win?" Chanson asked. 

"Get sponsors, and hope you don't get poisoned, infected or killed" Finnick said. 

"I wasn't asking you I was asking my mentor" Chanson remarked. 

Finnick had a mix of Suprise and offence on his face.

"Exactly what he said" I said. 

"Really, cuz' it seems like you're the capitol's babe, and they wanted to keep you alive" Hazel added. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, how'd you get so many sponsors" Chanson asked. 

"Uh... Well- I-" I stuttered.

"You need good stylists, a good attitude in interviews and good survival skills" Finnick saved me. 

The rest of the day we we're giving tips to help survival in the games. Let's just say, the two are completely and totally hopeless. I mean sure they will last a while but in the end their ego is going to be what ends up killing them both, their parents love can't save them for what's coming. All Finnick and I can do is guide hem in the right direction, but only if their willing to listen to what we have to say. If they don't then nobody can blame us for what happens. I've been giving my best advice about the games to them and told them how to look good in the games for more sponsors. All I can do now is hope that they took the time and listened to Finnick and I rather than their ego's. 

I was in my same train bedroom from the previous trips I've been on. I was laying on the bed. Finnick walked in and laid next to me. We sat in silence for quite a bit. 

"Their Hopeless" Finnick said. 


The next morning, we arrived at the capitol and the tributes we're getting ready for the parade. I was having a Deja vu moment from when it was my Parade. Ray was there with me. He wanted to help me of the chariot, and he helped me get sponsors. I miss Ray so much. 

Hazel and Chanson came out and they we're basically just wearing fishnets and mesh. Caeser's going to like them, and I thought my parade outfit was bad. They got onto their Chariot and rode through the parade. 

After the parade we went back to the apartment, and I went straight to sleep. 

It was their first day of training and I was not too thrilled about watching. We went into the training room, and I went with Chanson. He was actually pretty okay with throwing daggers like I was. 

I showed him some of the best throwing technique for fast and accurate throws. Then he showed me his survival skills. He sucked at them. The rest of the day I trained him and taught him everything I knew about survival, so he'd maybe have a shot at winning. Likely not though. 

We went back to the apartment and Finnick told me about how Hazel was literally good at everything. Good for her. 

The next few days of their training was just like the first. I don't like mentoring. 

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