The Unwanted Curse of Being a Tribute

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I had been mentoring for six years now, only one of my tributes won, her name's Annie. Winning had affected her as well. It affected her more than any other tributes I've ever met. She's considered crazy. She also tried to get with my boyfriend countless times, but she was luckily never successful. 

I'm an adult now and life has mellowed out for me. I'm happy. Or at least as happy as a person in Panem can be. Finnick and I are going strong for six years and we couldn't be in a healthier relationship. Cordelia and I are still the best of friends, and we still do anything for each other. I officially call Cordelia's parents my parents because that's what they are to me. They are my parents. 

Sure, I have the nightmares, and terrors, and I always have horrible flash backs but at least I'm not alone. Not anymore. Family who wants to be there for me surrounds me every step of the way and for that, I couldn't be any happier.

The 75th annual Hunger Games we're coming up and I knew it was a quarter quell coming from the history of them. Every twenty-five years there is a quarter quell to change up the games. I'm just hoping it's not something too crazy. 

I had just got back from swimming, and I went upstairs to change. Once I was done changing, I went downstairs, then sat on the couch next to Cordelia and staired at the tv. 

Then it came on. 

Mostly it started off with annoying talking and yapping, but then it happened. 

"This years tributes are going to come from the already existing pool of victors" Snow finished. 



I'm working on the second book, and I plan on releasing the first few chapters soon!!

Thank you all so much for reading my book, it means more than any of you know! 


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