Chapter 39: I Just Want to Get Outta Here

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It was none other than Exusiai and Texas.

An upbeat Sankta and a silent emo Lupo.

They were the elites of Penguin Logistics. Xiu Xian has no idea how these two ended up here.

Texas used a sword, and she excels at lethal combat, no flashy moves or anything. Exusiai is a bit nicer, but she used guns!

"Situation's out of control!" Xiu Xian was secretly retreating, reporting quietly: "I've got three different factions here! There are spies planted within our spies, what is this, spyception?"

"I'll find you a retreat route," said Galileo, nervous, from the other end: "Also, what's that noise on your side?"

Xiu Xian looked back and saw a girl jumping out from cover, shouting, "Apple pie~!"

And then, one by one, a bunch of thugs behind him fell with miserable screams.

"I'm in some deep shit here," Xiu Xian groaned into his communication device as he continued to sneak his way out: "What's the situation on your end?"

"Damn it! The gangs have spotted me," came the reply from Eli: "These bastards are no joke! I stole a car and I'm running! Chu Ning, can you come to support me?"

"No time!" The response was curt.

"Are you just dealing with some random street thugs? How come you can't just deal with them?"

"I've been...," Chu Ning paused for a moment, and a clattering sound rang out from his end. Then he continued, "I'm being pursued by someone with a grappling hook! Shit, they may be infected too, I can't risk having my identity revealed, I'll have to retreat for now."

With that, the communication on his side was also cut off.

"Everything's gone wrong?" Xiu Xian gritted his teeth, wanting to get out of this hellhole. But just as he was about to leave, an emotionless voice sounded behind him: "Leaving so soon?"

Without a word, Xiu Xian sprang away! The figure quickly caught up, and she didn't forget to call out as she chased after him, "Exusiai! Over here, we got a runner!"

"Here I come!" Honestly, without needing her shout, Xiu Xian already knew that Exusiai had arrived.

Because of Texas's shadow that's now cast on the ground!

This shadow wasn't there before, but now it was, so it must be Exusiai's halo providing the light.

Tossing a smoke bomb behind him, he jumped up to a low-roofed house. In slums like these, the tightly arranged alleyways are winding and confusing, so the rooftops are the most efficient option. Although there was a risk of being seen by Exusiai and getting turned into a bloody mist, Xiu Xian had noticed earlier that she seemed to be using rubber bullets or something like that, otherwise, after being hit by her' firepower, there was no way that those thugs without any def would have survived.

But Xiu Xian didn't doubt that this girl was also carrying real bullets.

The rooftops have other advantages, such as easy mobility. If he was cornered by Texas and Exusiai in the narrow alley below, Xiu Xian would have nowhere to run!

"Halt!" Exusiai's voice came from behind, shouting, "We've been squatting here for days! We're honestly exhausted; can't you be considerate and just let us catch you?"

"No, the fuck?" Xiu Xian muttered under his breath, then quickly opened his communication: "Eli, how's it going on your end?"

"I got a whole gang chasing me" Eli's voice sounded irritated, "How do you think I'm doing?"

"Come pick me up." Xiu Xian suddenly charged towards Texas, and she did the same, charging towards Xiu Xian with a burst of speed.

Just as the two were about to make contact, Xiu Xian's figure suddenly disappeared!

Texas's expression shifted slightly. Then, she abruptly turned around, realizing that Xiu Xian had somehow gotten past her and was sprinting away as fast as he could.

"Originium Arts, no weapons, Infected," Texas said, turning back.

Exusiai happened to jump down from above at that moment. "Hey hey, Texas, you're running the wrong way!"

"You keep chasing him; I'll go back and get the car."

"Huh? Okay. Geez!" Exusiai scratched her head, continuing to chase after Xiu Xian, shouting, "Hurry up, remember to be quick!"

Exusiai chased after Xiu Xian, yelling, "Stop there! If you don't stop, I'll switch to real bullets! Think about it, they hurt a lot! I could kill you!"

Xiu Xian didn't bother to respond. His mind was entirely focused on potential escape routes.

Right now, he needed to reach a main road, then "borrow" a car, GTA-style, to get the hell out of this place.

Bang bang bang!

Three bullets grazed past Xiu Xian.

"That was a warning," Exusiai's voice came from behind. "Why don't you just stop running? Don't blame me for not warning you! Next time, I won't miss!"

While she spoke, Xiu Xian used the opportunity to leap onto a makeshift shed beside him. After stomping it down with one foot, he climbed onto a roof and continued to sprint.

But he only ran for a short bit before jumping directly from the third floor onto the main road ahead.

An SUV raced over, drifted in front of Xiu Xian, and then the door opened. Crownslayer's voice came from inside: "Get in!"

Without a word, Xiu Xian jumped onto the SUV and closed the door, and a series of tinks sounded behind them as the car was peppered with bullets!

But luckily there were no strays that got through.

Crownslayer stepped on the gas pedal, and the SUV sped off.

Xiu Xian took the time to flip his pursuers off as they drove away.

"Unacceptable!" Watching the SUV disappear into the distance, Exusiai was annoyed, "Did we really let him get away like this?"

A sedan suddenly stopped in front of her. The window rolled down, and Texas's voice came out: "Get in."

Exusiai directly grabbed the car's roof and, without opening the door, jumped in through the window, saying, "Turn left ahead. It's a silver SUV with a license plate ending in 69. See if you can catch up."

"Piece of cake!" Texas stepped on the gas pedal, and the sedan raced forward.

Exusiai began to load her magazine, clearing out ammunition for a few bursts.

"Found them," Texas's voice came through.

"Yosh!" Exusiai finished assembling her magazine. "I'm getting serious now!"

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