Chapter 42: My Wife and I

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The Lungmen Guard Department was also dumbfounded when it initially received Xiu Xian's call.

Lungmen, a mobile city with allies around the world, had never been a target for terrorists.

But anything can happen if you wait long enough, and well, now they have a chance to deal with terrorists.

When they received the call about terrorists driving through the streets and shooting people, they dismissed it as some prank. But after checking the surveillance cameras, they saw a Sankta with a black mask driving and shooting.

The LGD instantly went crazy!

Goddamn, there really were terrorists! This was practically a distinguished service merit (and a promotion) handed to them on a silver platter!

Vehicles were dispatched, special operations teams were sent, they all rushed over in droves.

You thought the number of police cars that arrived was crazy now? More are on the way!

"I am Chen, Senior Police Superintendent of Lungmen!" A powerful voice came from the car blocking the road ahead. "You are surrounded! Stop your vehicle immediately!"

"What do we do?" Crownslayer looked at the roadblock ahead. "Did you exaggerate with that emergency call? Why are there so many people coming!"

Xiu Xian took a deep breath. "Stop the car ahead."


"Stop the car!" Xiu Xian said. "Those two behind us won't stop."

"How do you know they won't?" Crownslayer asked.

Xiu Xian motioned with his chin. "The one leading that squad ahead is Chen, the toughest superintendent in Lungmen. The people behind us don't want trouble for themselves, we just need to stop the car, and they'll definitely turn tail and leave."

"Then what do we do?"

"We're the victims," Xiu Xian said. "Slow down."

Crownslayer reduced the speed slightly and whispered, "But our appearance will be exposed."

"We've already disguised ourselves."

"We're both wearing masks, they'll definitely be suspicious."

"I'll explain." Xiu Xian patted the car door. "All these bullet holes should make it pretty obvious that we're the victims."

With that, Xiu Xian grabbed Crownslayer's hand. "Trust me!"

Crownslayer gritted her teeth, then finally reached for the dagger on her, removing it from its sheath, and hiding it under her clothes. She said with utmost seriousness, "If something happens, I'll escape first."

"Okay! But you have to listen to me."

A sudden screeching of brakes echoed as the battered silver SUV came to a stop in front of the police blockade.

Xiu Xian crawled out of the car, shouting, "Help! Help, officers!"

As he shouted, the makeshift cat mask covered his face.

He went to support Crownslayer and helped her off the car, shouting, "Help! The guys behind us have been chasing and attacking my wife and me all the way!"

Chen briskly approached, followed by several officers. One of them tried to remove Xiu Xian's mask, but Chen stopped him. "Protect the civilians! Do you want to expose the victims?"

The officer trembled.

Hoshiguma also ran over. She heard what Chen said and patted Xiu Xian and Crownslayer, then raised her shield in front of them. "Follow me to the back. The medical team is already in position."

"Thank you! Thank you, officer!" Xiu Xian trembled, one hand clinging to Crownslayer as they walked to the back.

However, Chen suddenly shouted, "Hoshiguma! They're running away! Go after them!"

Hoshiguma turned back and saw Texas's car skidding on the road, making a U-turn and ramming into the police cars blocking them!

The police cars behind were in pursuit and had not set up a blockade. Texas's sudden U-turn caught them off guard. Before they could react, Texas's car had spun one of the police cars around and raced away!

Hoshiguma immediately shouted, "One team stays behind to protect the civilians, the rest follow me to pursue!"

Sirens blared as the police cars chased after Texas's car.

Leaving behind a team of Longmen Guard Bureau officers, about two cars and eight people, along with a makeshift ambulance.

At this moment, a medical officer took out two cups of water and handed them to Xiu Xian and Crownslayer. "It's okay. We'll definitely catch the criminals. Now that it's safe, you can take off the masks."

Xiu Xian's hand trembled as he reached for the water, then recoiled, shaking his head frantically.

The officer sighed. "Sorry to startle you. How about this, you two wait here for a moment while we prepare something."

"When can we go home?" Xiu Xian asked, trembling.

"Very soon. We just need to make a record. Please wait a moment." With that, the girl walked over to the other officers and said something.

Crownslayer twisted the hand that Xiu Xian was holding, causing Xiu Xian to shudder.

"What are you doing?" she asked in a low voice.

"What do we do now?" Crownslayer gritted his teeth. "We still have to make a record!"

"We won't have to if we're interrupted." Xiu Xian tapped his ear and whispered, "Eli, where are you?"

"Coming soon," Eli replied. "Can you two hold on?"

"Just three minutes," Xiu Xian said. "Boss and I are in an LGD ambulance. When you arrive, just ram into the car!"

"Yo? Didn't take you for such a daredevil."

"No time for nonsense! You better hurry!"

" it."

Ending the call, Crownslayer blinked twice. "What are you up to?"

"Trust me."

The medical officer came over and chatted with them for a while.

"Don't worry. Can you tell me about what happened?" she asked.

"I..." Xiu Xian stalled for time. "I'm terrified just thinking about it...."

"Don't worry," the girl smiled. "We're from the LGD, there's nothing to fear."

"I... was just...just driving back home with my wife. We were listening to music and eating, then suddenly a group of hoodlums ambushed us! They hit our car doors, and we were scared, so we quickly accelerated and ran away. Then that car behind us came out. They chased us and demanded us to stop, but who in their right mind would? So..."

While Xiu Xian was speaking, the sound of tires scraping against the ground rang out.

Suddenly, a black car crashed through a gate and came rushing towards them!

And four more of the same make were chasing close behind.

Xiu Xian and Crownslayer lunged forward, with Xiu Xian pinching a spot on the girl's neck behind him, causing her to faint.

The screech of brakes sounded urgently as the approaching car slammed into the vehicle with force.

The ambulance was hit hard and rammed into the other police cars!

The LGD officers quickly scattered to evade, while Xiu Xian and Crownslayer jumped onto Eli's black car.

The four pursuing black cars were also stunned at the sight of the LGD before them. They quickly turned to run, with sirens blaring in pursuit.

But they found that their car seemed unable to start, as if something was frozen.

In the end, only two of the four cars managed to start and the police quickly apprehended them.

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