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It's 6 am, and I just walked into the apartment, my clothes are soaked from head to toe. I open the door, and Ocean jumps on me with pure joy, wagging his tail like crazy.

 He gets scared whenever it thunders. I pat his head and make my way to the kitchen while he follows.

 I make sure he has food before I hop in the shower. When I'm done, I throw on an oversized tee and undies. I peek out the window and notice that the sky's still dark and raining outside. 

A little rain never hurt anybody; in fact, it's perfect for cozying up with a good book. I make myself a quick coffee and get comfortable in bed. I grab my diary from the nightstand and begin writing.

"After a long time, today was different than every day. I met someone. It was a normal encounter, but at the same time, something different. I don't know what it is. His voice already had me smitten, but after listening to him sing, it took my love to a whole new level. 

Let's just say, his voice is my new favorite thing. He'll be gone by tomorrow, and yes, I don't even know his name. I might never listen to him again, but my past experience says that I made a better choice by leaving.

 At first, I thought only I felt different, but the way he was looking says so; his gaze spoke volumes to me. Life is unfair; sometimes you have everything you want in front of you, but you're scared to take a step, the fear that it'll vanish if you touch it, and you'll be left with lies and memories all your life. I'm left alone with all the memories, but I deny to believe all that was a lie."

I close my diary as I put it back, turn off the lights, and snuggle under the cozy blanket. I hope tomorrow is the same day; I can't afford change right now, and like that, I drift into sleep.

It's 7:30 am, and I just woke up. I have one and a half hours left. I get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. 

I brush my teeth and take a shower. I wrap a towel around me and step out of the bathroom. I put on blue jeans and a white shirt, dry my hair, and put it into a messy bun. I put on a little makeup and make my way to the kitchen.

 Ocean looks at me; I know he's hungry, so am I, bud. I give my pup some grub and make myself breakfast. I'm extremely hungry when I wake up; I never leave without breakfast. I'm done in 20 minutes. I take my keys, lock the front door.

 The weather's not bad, but I can't say it'll be the same when I'll be back. I get in my car. Within 10 minutes, I'm there.

I look out of the window, and thoughts of last night splash into my sight.

He won't be inside; he couldn't.

I take a deep breath and get out of the car. I make my way inside the locker room. Like every day, all normal. I change into my uniform, and there we go, my day starts.

"Hey, what's up?" Lucy says. She's the one who knows most about me. I won't say we are best friends, but she's better than many people here.

"Hey, I don't know why I feel weird today," I say.

"Oh, why? Are you pregnant or something?" she replies, chuckling.

"Maybe," I say, laughing.

"I bet, after fucking that hot guy, who wouldn't be," she says, laughing, and that's how my smile fades into thin air.

"What guy, Lucy?" I ask, looking at her.

"The guy who was asking for you last night. Didn't you go with him? I looked everywhere for you, but you were nowhere to be seen, so was he. So I thought maybe you guys, you know," she says, grinning.

"Well, no. We definitely didn't, plus he's gone, isn't he?" I ask her as I walk past her.

"Yeah, I haven't seen him, maybe," she says.

He's gone, that's good, right? Yeah, I guess, I don't know.

I step out and start taking orders, and that's pretty much how my day rolls every day. I'm glad it's the same, or I'm a little disappointed, but maybe it's for the best. There are a lot of people in here, as usual.

I head over to grab the order when I see a woman sitting, let's just say she's rocking the solo vibe.

 She's wearing a black suit that makes her look sharp and sophisticated. Her V-shaped blazer shows a tasteful amount of cleavage, pairs her dark black hair in a tight bun; everything about her screams confident and reflects her self-assured nature.

 I get lost in thoughts and don't realize she's looking at me. I look at her, and she raises her eyebrows in question.

Guess I just embarrassed myself.

"Um, what can I get you?" I speak.

She's not speaking; gosh, maybe she's mute, life can be unfair, I know, I know. "
Like scrambled eggs with toast, bacon or sausage, and a side of fresh fruit? Or if you're in the mood for something sweet, you could go for pancakes or waffles topped with syrup and berries. Hmm?"

"Black coffee," she says.

"That's all?"

She nods and looks down at her phone. I jot down her order, and in just a few minutes, I whip up her coffee and hand it over.

 She looks at me and nods in approval as I make my way back.

"Isn't she hot?" Lucy says.

"Oh, please, you know who."

"And you know I'm not into women, Lucy, but yeah, she's kind of intimidating."

"She left; I wanted to talk to her, tho"

"Haha, next time maybe."

A few hours pass I'm on break, I walk out the door into my secret place. I love this place; no one comes here; it's just quiet, and the view is worth watching.

 I take a peek out of the window and catch a glimpse of her, noticing she's holding a cigarette. She's got this tall and confident presence, and her suit fits her like a glove. 

The wind gently brushes against her face as she tosses her cigarette. She unlocks her car, hops in it, and zooms off, leaving in a hurry.

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