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''Any improvement, doctor?'' Megan says as I stand beside her.

''Unfortunately, no. The accident caused the persistent vegetative state that can occur as a result of severe brain damage. This damage can be caused by traumatic brain injury, stroke, or lack of oxygen to the brain. Also, the fire burned their right leg , thankfully he got out of the car before the explosion.''

''How long is he gonna be like that?'' I say.

''In some cases, it may be temporary and resolve over time, while in others, it can be long-lasting or even permanent. We are doing what we can. Keep a positive outlook, Serene.''

''Thank you, doc.'' I say as we make our way out of the hospital and head towards the car. I hop into the driver's seat while Megan sits beside me, tears streaming down her face.

''Now why are you crying?'' I ask in a chilly tone as I start driving.

''You don't care about me!'' She says as I let out a deep sigh and roll down the window.


''Megan, your brother is in the hospital, you should be worried about him.'' I say as I light the cigarette.

''That's the thing, I'm worried and instead of you being nice to me, you don't care, Serena!'' she says while sobbing dramatically, looking at me.

''Keep your voice down, I'm not deaf.'' I say as I blow the smoke out of the window while driving.

I stop at the flower shop on the next street as I take out my credit card and hand it to her. She gives me a confused look.

''Go buy yourself flowers and whatever you want.'' I say as she smiles really big and wipes away some tears.

As she's about to walk away from the car, I call out to her as she looks back.

''Listen!'' I say.

''Yeah?'' she says, looking at me.

''Grab an extra bouquet of roses." I say as I toss my cigarette out the window.

''WHY?'' she asks back.

''Cause I said so, now go.'' I say as she rolls her eyes and walks away.

It has been a day since that night, things didn't go as I planned, and she passed out quickly. She couldn't even last an hour. To be honest, I don't feel bad for anything that happened. 

She shouldn't have provoked me, but I made sure she knows not to mess with me again.

But Megan doesn't know about any of that. I'm not sure how she's gonna react or maybe she just doesn't need to know.

Freya's at my place, so it's my responsibility to keep her safe until I figure out what to do with her.

I can do whatever I want to her, but I won't like it if anyone else dares to do that.

I noticed she didn't have any clothes, so I went and bought some for her. I left them on the table while she was sleeping.

 She's been keeping busy, doing all the cleaning, laundry, and even cooking, but I haven't seen her around, not even once.

She's probably mad at me because of that little fight, but I'll make it up.

I hear the back door open as Megan puts two bouquets and some food in the back seat as she hops into the front seat.

''Thank you for the flowers, Serene.'' She says, smiling brightly as she hands me back the card.

I give her a nod and start up the car. Within 10 minutes, we are home.

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