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It's like being caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. I can't believe I let her kiss me; I feel remorse for doing that, but at the same time, I'm happy that Ocean is going to be here.

 She better be here with him, or I'll feel even worse for trusting her.

It's like being trapped in a never-ending nightmare, like there's no way out. I don't know when I'll be able to escape this hell, but as long as I'm here, I need to be smart.

 like walking on a tightrope, trying to find that delicate balance between keeping her calm and asserting my own boundaries.

 I don't want to provoke her anger, but also, I can't let her have complete control over me.

I try to go along with it, but it's incredibly difficult to handle her touch. It's more than just discomfort; she disgusts me.

I guess she likes it when I resist, a fucking psycho!

When I get Ocean, I'll try to come up with an escape plan, but for now, all I need to do is play along because sometimes we have to make temporary compromises to ensure our survival.

 I'll make her believe that I feel the same about her. Building trust with her can be a strategic move to gain her confidence and buy myself some time.

I don't even know if Megan is her girlfriend or something, but if she was, I don't think she would have done all that with me. 

To be honest, Now I don't think me getting naked in front of her is a big deal anymore; she can definitely do that whenever she wants, and I can't even stop her.

Every time I cry, I feel powerless, like she controls me.

 she has a strong desire for control and authority, wanting everything she likes all the time.

I think I need to play puppet!

 just follow her instructions and avoid physical contact as much as I can to keep her content.

It has been hours since she left my room. Unsure of her whereabouts, I cautiously make my way downstairs, trying not to make any noise.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I see no one around. I head to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.

Like every day, I complete my daily chores before checking the clock, which shows 1 pm.

I head to my room for a shower, quickly undressing and running to the bathroom. After a long shower, I put on fresh clothes and get into bed.

Within minutes, I drift off to sleep. 

A few hours later

I rub my eyes as I sit up, feeling a bit groggy. I make my way to the bathroom and glance at the clock. It's already 4 pm! I can't believe I slept for three hours, but I still feel so tired.

As I come back to bed, I remember Serene went to take Ocean.

Is she back?

I quickly dash downstairs, eagerly scanning the surroundings, but she's still not home yet.

I make my way to the kitchen, open the fridge to grab a water bottle. 

Just as I take a sip, I hear the sound of the door opening. My heart starts racing, and without a second thought, I bolt outside to see if it's her.

As I gaze at the door, my eyes wide with delight as I see Serene standing there, holding the leash of Ocean.

 "Ocean..." I say.

Tears well up in my eyes as I look at him. 

He immediately notices me and starts wagging his tail like crazy, pure excitement shining in his eyes. Without a moment's hesitation, he darts towards me, jumping up and knocking me off balance. I fall back, but I kneel down and embrace him tightly.

He continues to shower me with joyful barks, his happiness contagious asMore tears stream down my cheeks.

 "Ocean, I missed you so much!" I say as I hug him.

I see Serene walk past without even noticing us but Ocean is still wagging his tail and reminding me of how happy he is to be here.

I truly missed him so much; if Serene hadn't mentioned him today, I don't think I could ask by myself because every time I tried to talk to her, she gave me a reason to stay away from her.

But finally, he's here, and I feel more than better.

At least I'm not alone anymore.

"Does my baby want a bath?" I ask him as he rubs his head on my arm.

I take him to the bathroom and wash away all the dirt he had when he arrived. Now he looks fresh.

"Let's go, Ocean. I'll feed you something," I say as we head downstairs, with Ocean following me.

Ocean has lost weight and looks skinnier, which worries me.

It's been a few days, and so much has happened that I can't even explain. I don't know how Ocean survived without me; my heart sinks at the thought of him being starved.

We walk to the kitchen, and I see Serene sipping a glass of water.

I remind myself to play along.

I take something out of the fridge to feed Ocean.

I put it on a plate and place it in front of him.

I can feel Serene eyeing both of us, but I don't know what's so interesting.

Ocean smells the food, licks it, but doesn't eat. I sit down on the floor as my brows furrow in confusion.

Why isn't he eating?

"Ocean, eat!" I say, but he just looks at me.

He sits beside me as I offer the food to him, but he doesn't eat.

"Do you not like it? Do you want something else?" I ask, but he just lies down beside me as I rub his head.

I look at Ocean, then I look at Serene, tears forming in my eyes.

As I look at her, she leaves the kitchen, leaving Ocean and me alone.

Tears run down my cheeks as I watch Ocean sleeping.

I go to the fridge, take out chicken, and sit back on the floor.

I try to feed him, but he refuses. 

He won't drink water either, which concerns me even more.

I bring Ocean to my room and let him sleep on my bed. I lie down next to him and gently pat his head.

after thinking I realize I need to take him to the vet but for that, I need to speak with Serene, which is going to be more challenging than I'm thinking.

But anything for my sweet boy!

I will talk to her.


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