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The guilt claws at my conscience, but I push it away. It was my right, she had said yes. I could do whatever I wanted, and she couldn't accuse me of forcing myself on her.

But as I made my way back to my room last night, a feeling crept into my chest.

Was it regret? No, it couldn't be.

I was satisfied with the punishment she received. After all, she had agreed to this.

But my frustration grew as I watched her resist me, even though she had promised to let me do anything I wanted.

Luckily, Megan was still asleep when I went to her room so she doesn't know.

 After last night I haven't seen her come downstairs yet, and I need to check on her before Megan starts calling for her.

I makes my way upstairs as I enter her room and find it empty, panic sets in.

I rush to the bathroom, and there she is - standing under the shower, her flawless body on display.

She gasps as she notices me but makes no move to cover herself.

Instead, she walks towards the door with an angry glint in her eye. Before she can leave, I stop her. 

"Get out of here!!!" she yells, her fists clenched in fury.

I can't help but admire every inch of her body as she walks back to the shower and turns off the water.

She wraps a towel around herself and tries to push past me again.

Without thinking, I grab her and lift her onto the bed, locking the door behind us. She screams and struggles against me, tears streaming down her face.

But I can't resist any longer. I cover her mouth with mine, holding her tightly as I kiss her hard. She fights against me, punching my chest and trying to push me away.

But my desire for her only grows stronger.

Her wet hair clings to her face as she cries, making her look even more alluring.

I bite her lip, ignoring her protests as our breaths mingle together.

We are both flushed and panting by the time we pull away from each other's lips. 

But still, she continues to fight against me.

I hold onto her waist tightly, pulling her closer until she is straddling my lap.

We are both breathless and desperate as we kiss, our bodies completely consumed by passion.

As I kiss her deeply and slowly, her movements begin to slow down.

I suck on her bottom lip, eliciting a moan from her as our lips remain locked.

She closes her eyes tightly and stays in my lap, not moving.

I hold her in place, trying to stop her from doing anything rash. She takes deep breaths, her cries becoming more visible and audible.

Tears fall freely from her eyes, wetting my shirt as she continues to cry.

I rub her back in a soothing manner, but she pushes my hand away and creates distance between us.

In the process, her towel slides off her body, leaving it exposed for my eyes to scan with desire and lust.

Her red eyes, wet hair, and swollen lips only add to the alluring image before me.

She stands up from my lap, meeting my gaze with a smile on her tear-stained face.

"You're cheating on your girlfriend, you're cheating your friend, you forced yourself on me," she says through sobs that make it difficult for her words to reach me.

But even through the tears and the hatred in her tone, I can't help but feel a sense of pride at what I've done.

"Do you ever feel bad or think about your actions?" she asks, staring into my eyes.

"Honestly Freya, I don't," I reply with a chuckle. "It's just who I am. And please, I didn't force you. You agreed to this."

But she continues to cry and shake her head.

"You're a psycho!" she yells as she covers her face with her hands.

"If you'll be nice, maybe I'll let you go," I say calmly, hoping to pacify her.

She looks at me with pleading eyes and kneels down in front of me. Her hand grasps my knee as she begs through tears.

"Please...let me go, Selene, please," she pleads as I wipe away her tears with my thumb.

My hand caresses her trembling lips as I look at them.

I fist her hair tightly, and she closes her eyes, still pleading with me.

"Please!" she hiccups, tears continuing to fall.

"Stop crying Freya," I say softly, looking at the broken girl in front of me.

"You know I can't let you go, not until he's okay."

"You don't want to let me go! You want me here for yourself!" she accuses, pushing my hand away from her hair.

But I refuse to let go of her as I grip her arms tightly, my nails sinking into her skin as I speak through gritted teeth.

"Don't say that, you're here because of your own choices!" I shout in anger.

"Liar!" she says with a sad smile, causing me to dig my nails even deeper and eliciting a hiss of pain from her. "You're just lying to yourself too."

I push her away from me and storm towards the door, only to be stopped by a knock on the door.

My gaze falls back to Freya, who looks tense and fearful as we both turn to look as I open the door to look at Megan standing there in confusion and anger.

I angrily walk past Megan without acknowledging her presence and leave Freya alone in the room. 

who cares!


Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enoyed writing it. If you liked the story, I would be thrilled if you could share it with your friends and fellow readers. Your support means the world to me! Also, don't forget to leave a vote for the chapter if you haven't already. Your feedback and engagement help me improve and keep the story going. Thank you all so much, and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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