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Serena, why did you let that bitch slap me?" Megan asks.

"I never told you to go slap her. You shouldn't have slapped her in the first place," I say.

"So you wanted me to ask you to slap someone who almost killed my brother?" she says, looking at me.

"Yes, and next time if you touch anyone, you'll see," I say, pulling her by the waist firmly. "For now, get out," I whisper softly, taking in her sweet scent as I close my eyes.

As I hold her, I sense a subtle change in her body.

I can see the fiery blend of anger and various emotions reflected in her eyes as she locks her gaze with mine. With that, she turns around and leaves.

I don't know why, but I just can't let go of a beautiful woman without touching her. It's just whenever I see them, I need to be a part of them somehow.

I like to fuel their fires and then let them burn.

Last night, that girl, she angered me so much with her stupid excuses. I wanted to kill her by myself, but I won't. She needs to understand what she did and pay for her sin.

When I found out what happened, I couldn't believe it. Megan called me, and I rushed to the hospital. She found him first, and that girl. Megan wanted to know if she was responsible for her brother's condition. When she looked for the car owner, it turned out to be her. 

All the details pointed to her, and after last night when I confronted her, it was confirmed that she did it. I don't care about the how, when, and why; all I know is my friend is in the hospital because of her.

I knew if I left that girl with Megan, she would kill her without mercy.

So I brought her to my place and locked her in a room. Megan was present when she fell and heard the noise. 

When she opened the door, she didn't react much, possibly due to her faint state. I knew she wouldn't easily forget what happened. 

Megan waited for her to regain consciousness and checked on her multiple times. I thought she had left, but when I heard the door to her room open, I ran.

I saved her by arriving on time. Otherwise, she would have been dead.

Anyways, my phone rings as I make my way out of the room.

"Yes?" someone speaks.

"I'll be there in ten," I say.

I step outside and pause, noticing my surroundings. I know she's in the room, so I speak loudly, taking advantage of the echoing effect in this place that I love. She will hear me for sure.

"Don't get yourself in trouble, do what you've been told. I won't repeat it again," I say as I open the door and leave.

Freya's POV

I've been trying to cry, but I just can't. The whole situation makes me more angry than sad. I'm so pissed I might hit my head somewhere.

 Everything that happened last night feels like a dream. That stupid whore slapped me, and I can't stop thinking about it.

No one has ever touched me the way those women did, and the thought boils my blood.

I haven't slept a moment since then. I feel terrible for what happened, and the interaction with them made it worse because they just made me regret. I don't feel bad for them; their behavior is responsible for that, except that hospital guy.

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