chapter 31

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*Micha's pov*

I walked down the hallway; I was making my way up to Killians room. When I reached it, I knocked on the door. Atticus opened it and greeted me.

"Hello, Micha! What are you here for? Do you perhaps need my help?" Atticus smiled brightly. I held back a sneer at the smell that wafted off of Atticus in waves, it was killian scent and I hated that it was Atticus who bore it and not me.

"It's nice to see you, Atticus! I was wondering if I could follow you to the...dungeons? You go there often, and you always come back so happy. I thought it might be fun to join you?" I watched as Atticus paused and then nodded.

"Yeah, sure, I'm heading down there now actually, if you follow me then I'll show you." atticus grabbed Micha by the hand and started walking quickly. I felt a tingle go down my spine at atticus's touch. I almost felt..bad for deceiving him. He's been so nice to me. This whole time he's treated em well. I mean- killian never looks at me and aamon is so cruel. Atticus is the only one who ever asks if I'm okay.

I huffed and shook my head. I shouldn't be thinking such sappy thoughts, i had a mission. I felt atticus stop, we were in front of an enormous pair of doors. I was led down and as atticus turned the corner multiple growls echoed.

"hey! You guys. Its fine. This is Micha! He's, our friend! Well, my friend, but yours by association." again, the irritating thoughts followed me, i was his friend? I sighed quietly. Its a shame that he can't be mine. I have an agenda after all.

"Very well. He can stay, but he can't be a distraction. You're going to keep training. Last time you fought with claw, you won. You will be put against my beta, Benjamin, but we can him Benji. His name comes from his history. He was a human before he died and reincarnated here." Pedro explained.

"what did he do to end up here?" atticus asked.

"Atticus? You don't ask a demon that question, if they tell you than It's fine, but its polite to not mention it." Pedro was reprimanded.

"Oh. Then this whole time...hey! People have been asking me this whole time!" atticus growled. "Also, I'm sorry, Benjamin." atticus addressed the tall man. His hair was a sandy color, his hands were scratched up and a scar ran across from his left eye to his chin.

"No problem, I don't mind." he purred, circling around atticus.

"Actually, a few people have been down here, some servants, Reese, your new friend, and one man named conner. This is more visitors than we have had in a while." Pedro mused. "Enough about that however, i want to see you and Benji spar." i watched as Benji prowled around the room. He watched atticus like he was a deer. Suddenly Benji lunged at him, his teeth and claws were bare as he tackled atticus. I watched as atticus's wings busted out; his demon form had been released to block. It was successful in throwing Benji off of him but it didn't buy Atticus much time. Reaching for the dagger hidden in his boot Atticus fumbled to protect himself. Benji got up quickly and grabbed Atticus by the waist and flipped him over on the back. He held a jagged piece of glass to Atticus's throat. I tensed up as I watched Atticus strain to get away. A few seconds passed and I couldn't take it. I barreled at Benji and knocked him off Atticus.

"Micha! Good going!" Atticus praised. I grinned at him until a felt something sliced at my side.

"Shit!" I winced as blood gathered on the wound. I looked up to see Benji grinning at me. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks as his hands slid lower. "Move you bastard...!" I pushed him off me, and Atticus wrapped a piece of cloth around his mouth. He used force to flip Benji onto his stomach. Atticus lifted his neck and bared a black crystal dagger against his throat. Pressing the blade to his throat a drop of blood fell to the dirt floor. A loud bellow echoed.

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