chapter 33

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“i... I'm not a pet! How many times do i have to tell you!” i yelled.
“If you had behaved then i wouldn't have to treat you like a pet. But alas, you misbehaved.” aamon growled, his hands sliding over his throne. “i remember giving you an order, Atticus, get. Over. Here.”
I felt my body pull towards aamon, i couldn't control where i was going. It was as if aamon was controlling my body. It felt sickening. Haven’t even had time to process Michas's betrayal. Was Micha even okay? Was i going to be, okay? Thoughts flooded my head as i panicked.
“you bastard!” i gritted out. I watched aamon laugh at my struggle as i tried to break out of his control. I was quickly kneeling at the front of aamon. I glared up at him. I watched him pull something out from behind his throne.
“a-aamon? Don't do this...aamon please...” i tensed up. He had pulled out a shock collar. 
“not so stoic now are we emerald? You look so good like this, kneeling at my feet, trembling...” i watched aamon shiver. He clipped the collar around my throat. I cursed myself for leaving silder at home. I should’ve come with someone. Killian, conner, Pedro, hopper, Reese, anyone. Why did i think i could do this alone! I must have gotten to confident since I started training. i felt a tear slip down my cheek. Aamons finger propped my chin up, forcing me to look him in the eye.
“you’re beautiful when you cry emerald. So, so, so beautiful.” he cooed. I spit at him. He narrowed his eyes and slapped me. My face went flying to the side. I screamed as the electricity flowed through my neck and down my body. Tears streamed down my face. It made the stinging from where aamon hit me hurt like hell. My body finally released all its tension when the shocks began to die down. I gasped for air.
“Now, are we gonna fucking behave? Or do we have to go for another round of electricity? Your the only one who would really get hurt. I hope you know how much it hurts me to have to do this to you. It pains me to see you cause your own suffering. My poor, poor boy.” my head rested on his legs. I began to speak, my voice rasped.
“I hate you.” three simple words, but they made aamon see red.
“y’know, i was going to treat you well, i mean- the collar was just a precaution, but i don’t like your attitude.” aamon growled. “I planned to save this for later, when you were more adjusted, but you just can’t keep your mouth shut. I suppose i can help with that though.” a cruel grin spread over aamons face. He unzipped his pants and let his cock fly out, it hit Atticus in the face.
“you wouldn't.”
“i would. And you should know i never deny a challenge love.” aamon grabbed the back of Atticus’s head and pulled him close.
I felt anxiety fill me. he wouldn’t. he couldn’t! But i knew he would.
“Open. Now. Don’t make me repeat myself.” i held my jaw tight and closed. Again, the collar beeped, and shocks ran through my body, worse this time. You know when your muscle cramps? Now imagine that everywhere. I screamed again. My hands twitched uncontrollably.
“f-f-fuck y-you!” my voice stuttered.
“you should use that mouth for something else.” aamon thrust himself deep into my throat while he had the chance, forcing me to deep throat him. I gagged. The shocks stopped and i glared at him. “i can't wait to fuck that look off of your face.” I was pulled up and down, gagging at the bitter taste of aamon i tried to pull off, but it was to no avail. His precum coated my throat like burning acid. I felt my air slowly run out. Finally, aamon pulled out, a string of saliva connected me to him. I panted, taking in as much air as possible. My face was red and burning from the abuse.
“got enough air emerald? Then get back to work.” aamon pulled me forward again. I turned my head away in the hope he might let me go, but i knew that was not the case. His fingers pushed my lips open and forced his way into my mouth again. I glared up at him. I knew that if i let go he would shock me again, so i sat there still. Aamon looked at me adoringly and it made me sick. His hands explored my body, my shoulders, my throat, anything he could reach.
“i didn’t tell you to stop. Keep moving. I don’t want to watch you hurt anymore but i will make it happen if you disobey.” aamon sneered, he pushed Atticus down softly. I felt tears well in my eyes. I pause and then my mouth begins to work. My tongue pressed against the underside of his cock. His eyes looked down at me with satisfaction.
“Good job baby boy. Go on, you can do it. I know you can.” his hands ran through my hair, softer this time. Tears streamed down my face now. I felt sick as my head was pushed down bit by bit and more of him forced its way into my mouth. Aamon thrusted up into me, fully sheathing himself.
He pulled my head back and forth until my teeth grazed over the head of his Cock. I heard him groan and in just a few second his cum flooded my mouth. I was finally allowed to pull away and went to spit it out.
“Oh no…! Don't spit. Swallow it emerald.” i glared at him in anger and fear. I almost couldn’t believe he would do this, but I'm not truly surprised, it’s not like i didn’t expect it.
I swallowed against my will and cringed as the bitter fluids made its way down. My mouth was coated and i couldn’t seem to get the taste gone.
“you did so good baby. So good. I'm so proud of you.” i frowned at his words and brought a hand up to my face to rub my lips. They were tender and red. It burned to touch them. I wiped off any precum surrounding my mouth.
“balaam will come get you. He will take you up to a separate room for the time being. Don't get used to it, however. Soon enough you will be back in my room again emerald.” aamon’s head tilted back. With a snap of his fingers balaam entered the room.
“Yes, master?”
“Take him to his room. Have some fun with him if you want, but his ass is mine. Got it? Make sure he is bathed and cleaned.” Aamon flicked his hand dismissively.
“Of course, master.” A grin covered balaam’s face.  Aamon and him shared a look before they both looked at Atticus. “Let’s go Atticus.” I dragged myself up and walked miserably towards balaam. I hated this, I hated him, and I hated myself. Killian could never want me after this, but I know sure as hell I won’t stay with Aamon.
Balaam grabbed my arm and dragged me through the halls up to a room. No, not a room. A cell. A prison cell.
“What does he mean I’m staying here!” I turned to look at balaam angrily.
“Just as you think. You will stay here until that temper is controlled. And fancy that! I’ve been given permission to help tame you. Get in the cell. I want you on your hands and knees in front of the bed.” Balaam ordered.
“And what make you think-“I was cut off by my wrist getting yanked down. I was dragged to the bed and thrown down on the hard mattress. Balaam flopped down and yanked me by the hair, forcing me to make eye contact. He pulled out his cock and growled.
“Do it. Now. Don’t make this worse for yourself. If I feel teeth there will be some extreme punishment.” Balaam threatened.
“Make me you dirty bastard.” I spit in his face. He brought a hand up to flick my spit away.
“Don’t waste lubrication. You’ll need it Atticus.” I felt my head get pushed near balaam’s cock. I got a closer look at it, and I realized how normal Aamon was compared to balaam. He was part goat, so I suppose it made sense, but still, that was terrifying. It was red and throbbing, black goo beaded on the tip of the dick. “I’ll give you one more chance. Suck.” Balaam raised an eyebrow.
“How about no.” I yelped when my hair was pulled back and I was forced down onto his cock, I felt the tip poke the back of my throat, I gagged at the feeling.
“Fuck, keep that up bitch.” Balaam’s hands ran up my shirt. I pulled of and yelped as his hand twisted at my nipple. My back arched and I shivered as I glared up at him. All he did was stare back at me uninterested, he forced me down again and continued to mess with me. Unlike Aamon he tasted extremely salty, but that didn’t make it at all better. I held back a moan as he flicked my nipple up again. I hated this, and I hated how it made me feel. Bit by bit I was pushed down more and more. Soon enough I was deep throating balaam.
Some time past and balaam finally came in my mouth. This time I spit it out. Aamon wasn’t here to shock me, so it didn’t matter.
“Next time, I expect more participation bitch. I don’t want to do all the work by myself.” Balaam rolled his eyes and pushed out of the cell.
“What a nice guy.” I muttered. I hunched over myself; I felt the emotions from the last few hours flood through me. Tears pricked in my eyes s I hunched over and panted. I couldn’t keep track of my thoughts. I was panicking.  My hands trembled, my vision was blurry, and I was dizzy.
I felt like I was drowning, it hurt to breath, but I couldn’t stop. The last thing I remembered was my body feeling light and then darkness.

Word count: 1735

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