chapter 34

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I paced around my room. Nergal was right, Atticus truly was here. Everything happened just as he had predicted. A shiver ran down my spine as I grinned. We can finally get this wretch out of our home. That little bitch doesn’t deserve to stay down here. He was heaven’s responsibility; he should stay their responsibility. He slept with one person in heaven and what? Suddenly he was cast down? It would’ve been delightful to see the kings face if the demons down here revealed his scandalous affairs with our kind. He had a nasty taste for succubi. too bad he was killed. His body had been found massacred in Nergal territory. Everything was there except his heart. His son, Grim, had taken the throne. Nergal had made contact with grim and offered to return Atticus, and who was I to deny helping him?
I had waited for the longest time to take Atticus away, to play with him. I felt the tentacles slowly come out of my back, throwing them selves in every direction. My skin turned black in some places, my veins threatening to burst in excitement and anticipation. I took a few deep breaths and leaned over the dresser, attempting to reel in my magic. I had waited so long for this; I could wait a little longer.
“Aamon probably has him chained up in the castle's cells. Poor poor thing.” I grinned.
“He must think that this is the worst he has ever felt, but he won’t believe that after being in my lab.” I laid down on my bed and resigned to resting. Just a few more days. I closed my eyes in bliss.

I sobbed softly. I knew Aamon was bad, I knew he wanted to do this, but I still couldn’t come to terms with it. I was raped. Twice. And nobody wanted to come and save me. Even the person I thought was my closest friend left. I couldn’t hate micha, but I was angry with him. He left me! I wondered if he would finally get the happily ever after with killian that he had wanted. No, that was the anger talking. Killian wouldn’t do that to me. He loved me. And Conner? Would he want to come get me too? I knew hopper would be looking for me. Poor girl. I hope someone is feeding her while I was gone. I had always gone down to the stables to feed her when I was at Killian’s castle. Reese might come, I know Pedro would want too. Iliya might also follow. I felt a reassuring feeling flow through me. They would get me. I just had to wait a little longer. Just a few more days.

*Conner’s pov*
What the hell do you mean, ‘Atticus is gone’ killian!” I screamed. I felt my hands tremble.
“Killian?” I blinked a few times as I saw him holding a servant. Micha. Then my eyes narrowed.
“What happened...?!” Micha trembled under my gaze. My wings had ripped through my clothes, anger flooded through me. “I asked you a fucking question micha. I want an answer.”
“I-i-…. Atticus he…. aamon has him!” Micha blurted out.
“We went t-to his castle. Atticus was dead set on helping me! I-I told him about Aamon. He had Been using me…hurting me! I never thought he would take Atticus! I promise.” Killian spoke before I could.
“Fucking liar. Get out of my sight. You are no longer welcome in my kingdom. Leave. Lave and don’t come back.”  He looked at me. “Go get pedro’s pack, and Reese. Tell them what has happened.” I nodded and ran off, I felt bad, hopper was whining at Killian’s side.
I bolted down to the dungeons. I had been there for a day or so when I. First arrived there and had met Pedro. While we aren’t friends, me and him are on a mutual standing.
“Pedro! Atticus is gone! Aamon has taken him! He needs help! Killian told me to come get you…!” I panted. Running wasn’t my strong suit; I usually flew wherever I needed to go.
“Whoa, hey! Atticus is missing?” Pedro’s ears flew back and flattened against his head. “How can we help?”
“Where is micha?” Benja interrupted.
“Why?” I growled.
“He is…. he is my fated pair. He came down here with Atticus once, that’s when I first met him. It was a wonderful feeling. I felt warm, and happy, and-“I rolled my eyes.
“He has been sent away. He brought Atticus to Aamon.” Benji’s paused, then he looked at Pedro.
“Go. Bring him to the pack house. Don’t bring him back here.”
“Yes sir!” Benji’s ran up the stairs, leaving us behind.
“He has been acting like a puppy this whole time. I don’t even think his brain registered that micha betrayed Atticus.” Pedro rolled his eyes. “We should go.” The pack followed up the stairs, it was a sight to behold, really. They all worked so well together; their most basic movements were perfect.
Reese bounded down the hall in front of them. “Atticus is gone?”  I nodded. He frowned and joined the group. I could see him fidgeting with his shirt sleeve nervously.
“We’ll get him back. I promise.” I reassured him. Though, while I could comfort others, it was difficult to comfort myself. I mean, I loved Atticus! I know killian did too. We couldn’t lose him like this. We just couldn’t.
“Killian?” My hands trembled as we reached his doors. My eyes held back tears.
“Conner?” He paused. Then he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. “It’s okay baby. We’ll get him back.” I let a shiver go down my face, could guarantee my face was red.
“B-baby?” I glanced up.
“Cute. Now, putting your sad love scene to the side?” Pedro huffed. “How are we getting him back?” 
“Watch yourself Pedro. We will leave in just a few days. Supplies will be prepared. We can’t invade aamons territory by ourselves. I will be calling Iliya and Romaline to help. Aamons people are sensitive to water, and Iliya can control them. We can use their magic to our advantage. We will get an opening to get to Atticus. Give me three days. That’s all I need. Atticus is strong, I know he is, he can do it.” Killian finished his short speech. A series of protests came.
“Three days is quite some time. Atticus is in danger!”
“And Atticus will be in even more danger if we do this without a plan. This is the safest way I can offer. I’m sorry.”
A sneer crossed Pedro’s face. “Very well.” A tense energy filled the room.
I felt myself get pulled into killians room as he shut the doors. I was pulled to the bed. Killian held me close.
“Just a few days. Okay, baby?”
I nodded. We have to get him back; I can’t live without him.

Word count:1173
Sorry for the absurdly.short chapter. School's busy.

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