The New Girl In School

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The next day (Y/N) was wokend up by soul. "Hey its time for school maka made you some breakfast and you can come to school when your ready OK?" "Alright." You went to the kitchen and saw some eggs and bacon with orange juice. You ate it all and then went to change. You put on a black scert and a shirt that said "Don't mess with me bra" That was one of your favorite shirts. You put on your high heel boots and put on your bow. You also had a secret place in your boots so when something bad happens. You had a knife pocket. Then you walked to the school. That's when three kids came up to you and one of them was black star. "Hey! If you think you could walk around and get all cool and stuff, well your wrong!" "But I wasn't doing anything bad was I?!" Then they throw you and punch u in the stomach, they took away your knife and stabed you with it. That's when Dr.stien came in to save you. He covered the wound and took you to school. "What happend professor?!" Said soul and the rest really worried. "Some kids came to her and tryied to kill her,lucky for her that I was their,also black star was one of them." "What?! That can't be true how could black star do some thing like that?!" Said tsubaki so mad and sad at the same time. She went and talked to black star but he didn't want to hear anything about the new girl. After school you decide to hang out with soul. You and him had a great time together. He took you out for dinner and bought you a plushy cat toy. You feelt something in your heart that you couldn't explain. Maka waz in the house with Blair talking. They were talking about you and soul.

Makas point of view
"Hey, I wonder how I'll take our two long wolfs to hook up?!" Said maka so happy. "Yeah I think that they should go out,maybe we could help soul." "Thats a great idea Blair!!" Then soul and (Y/N) came in the house. "So, how was it? Do you like Death City?" "Yeah it has so many beautiful places to go!" "Well I hope you like staying here, its alots of fun here." "Yeah I guess your right,but I'm going to go to sleep now OK bye guys." She went to sleep safe and sound. "So do you like her soul?" I said with a little blush. "Yeah I do but we need to get to know each other more." "Don't worrie me and Blair have that solved so this is what you should do...."

The next morning....
Your point of view.

I woke up with a really cute flowers bye my side, their was also the loveliest poem in the world! You did n't know who it was from and you spend the whole day thinking of who could it be. You were wondering if he was cute and if he hangs out with you. At the end you thought that it could be soul,Dr.Stein, Crona and Ragnarok, or Death The Kid. You thought that because they are the only boys that you usually hang out with you.

Soul's point of view.

I was thinking of her all day long and see if she could guess who could it be. "Hey soul do you think all this your doing for her will work?" "It will because I believe in it and her,but what im afraid of is that she might fall in love with the wrong guy." Don't worrie you said you trust on her right? So what's the problem?" "OK we'll just so with it."

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