Another Book?!

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I was thinking to write a book about the transformers. It's going to be Autobots x reader and her or your name will be kelly Carmonan and your nick name is lily. Your 16 and your kind of short you have black hair with the tips of them are color red. You wear a black and red shirt and a leather jacket color black with spikes on your shoulder. You also have black gloves with spikes on your knuckles. You wear a mini skirt and long socks that go up to your knees. You have red convers. Your skirt has two red stripes around them and spikes to. You also like to wear a red bow on your head and you loved cars. Especially fast ones. You have blue eyes. You like to sing and dance. You like to guff around sometime and you always said that you have maddnes on you. Then when your done you like to go to sleep for a little. You have a best friend named Vanessa Gonzalez. You knew her seens you where little and its like you and her where sister's. You sometimes liked to stay up all night lisining to music or singing and dancing. You loved cats and you were going to buy to. You had a brother named Miguel Carmona. You where the little one. He was 26 years old and he had brownish hair. He likes to wear a white shirt and jeans. He liked to wear black vans and a band bracelet that I gave him. He has brown eyes. He cared about you. He was lazzy most of the time and had girlfriend and her name was Tiffany but you called her tiffy for short. She has black hair and black eyes. She likes to wear dresses most of the time and high heels. I gave her a rainbow bow and she likes to wear it like all the time. Vanessa wears a gray shirt. She wears shorts almost every day. Her hair is brownish and has one striped on her hair. She wears convers that are color black. She has green eyes and diples like you do also. You and her liked to stay all night singing and dancing. You and her hanged out most of the time. She lived two blocks away from you. I'm not going to put all of this I that book bc you already read this right? What I will put is that "if you want to know the characters personality you have to read a part of my other book Soul Eater x reader." And yeah so if you wanna read it you can and I'll be soooooooo happy. You guys can also help me bc I'm writing three books at the same time. It's Stien x reader, Soul Eater x reader and then this one Autobots x reader. Thanks again for your help and support and have a nice day, afternoon or night Toddles!! :3

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