The Fight

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Soul's point of view

I was really mad at Black Star because of what he did to my girl (Y/N). I send him a letter saying "Black Star what you did was wrong and you shouldnt be doing that to other people. I'm going to have revange for that meet at the fountain at 3:30 only if you're not afraid of fighting me, I'll be waiting for you. From soul Eater" I'm going to go there right now. I'm doing this for my love. "I was waiting for you what took?" Said soul really mad. "I don't care! Let's just finish this once and for all!" Soul and black star were fighting. This could take a long time to finish.

Your point of view.

Im really worried for soul because I don't know where he is. I just hope that he is okey. "Maka do you know where soul is?" "No I don't you want to look for him?" "Yeah thanks maka" so we went outside of our home and started to look for soul. Then we heard some things and we saw that soul is fighting Black Star. "Soul!" "Don't come this is not your fight!" "It is if your fighting for me!" Then I went in the middle of them and black star hit me with his knife and then everything went black.

Soul's point of view.

"(Y/N)!!! Look what you've done black star!!" I was really sad and mad at the same time. Everyone else came. Professor stien carried her to his house and tried to stop the bleeding after a few hours professor stien came in and said "The wound was really deep, deeper than I thought but i was able to stop the bleeding but it will take a lot of time for her to recover." "Can we come in and see her?" "Yes you may" Then black star came in and said "I'm really sorry for what I did I just didn't know what I was doing and I want to be the big star here but now I know that you have to earn to be the big star." "Its OK black star I know what you meant" "Can we still be friends?" "You idiot, of course!" "Oh soul!" "Oh black star!" "Oh soul!" "Oh black star!" Kid ruiennd the moment. ;P "soul?" Said a voice I turned around and saw (Y/N) look at me. I was really happy.

Soul Eater x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora