The Power Of Love

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You've been in the school for a while and you knew almost everyone and everything that is around you. You were having a great time in Death City, but sooner or later they will have to know your true identity. You were walking to the Fishers shop to get some fish for you and Blair. On they way you bumbed to black star. "Hey! What are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to be gone by now?" Said Black Star. "But this place is really beautiful, don't you think?" "No this place sucks and with my cool wepen no one can defeat me! You don't even have a partner, so you shouldn't be here!" Then black star walks away and you said "He's right, I don't even have a partner, I shouldn't be here!" Then you start running away from Death City. You fell into a hole and stayed there.

Soul's point of view.

"Hey, maka have you seen (Y/N)? I'm ready to tell her something." "No I haven't seen her maybe she's in the house, I'll go with you" "thanks maka"

Cronas point of view.

I was going to the candy store and it was next to the Fishers shop. That's when I heard some screaming. I went to look. I saw black star screaming at (Y/N). I didn't know what to do. Then she went running away from Death City. I went to look for maka and soul. "Professor stien have you seen maka and soul?" "No I haven't why are you asking?" "Because.... Um...I saw....I saw black star being mean to (Y/N) and she went running away form Death City." "OK I'll contact them right now.

Soul's point of view.

Maka and I looked all over the house and then the phone started to ring. " Hello?" "Soul! Crona said that black star was being mean to (Y/N) and she went running out of death city!" "What?! I'm going!" "Me to soul she my best friend!" Then we both hoped on my motorcycle and started to look. "I can feel her soul,soul we are really close to her." That's when we found her and he was crying and she also had a knife in her hand. "(Y/N)! What are you doing?!" "I don't belong here! I shouldn't be here!" "Don't say that, I love you!!" "You really do?!" "Yes I will do what ever to get you back, please come to me" "OK I will, I also love you" Then we both hug kiss.

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