The Bad Part

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Your point of view.

I heard some random kids doing stupid stuff and what came to my mind was soul I didn't know what it was but that was all I knew. "(Y/N)!! I'm soooooooo glad that you are alright!" "What?! Who are you? Where am I?" I was really confused I don't remember any thing and my head hurt really bad. I touched it and saw some blood in my hand. "What happend to me?!" I said crying. "Don't worrie we are your friends don't you remember?!" Said a little cute black thing that was in the back of a boy. "What are you? Who are these people?!" "We will be back please don't go anywhere."

Soul's point of view.

"What happened to her?!" Said soul really mad and sad. "When black star cut her she must've fell really hard that it made her forget everything." Then we went back to the room and she was gone. I was panicking about where she would go. We looked everywhere and then I saw her running and I followed her. "(Y/N)!!! Please wait!" Then she fell and she was conshis.
* * * * *
Days passed and she still was not awake. "Soul you've been here for a while and you need to do get rest and eat food. Why don't you go home I'll take good care of her." Said stien. "OK then I'll see you tomorrow afternoon."

Stien's point of view.

I was looking at her and she looked really pretty. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and I went to my bed. At midnight I heard a scream and I ran to (Y/N)'s room. She seemed scared and confused I told her about everything and she understood. "Stien? Can you sleep with me please?" "Yeah" "Thanks I'll tell soul what happened OK" "Alright"

Soul's point of view.

After school I ran towards stiens house. I saw him sleeping with (Y/N). "What are you doing?!!" "Soul! I told him to sleep with me because I didn't want to be alone, please forgive me." "Its alright (Y/N). All I care about right now is that you are doing great." "Thanks for understanding soul. Oh also thank you stien for helping me." "Its okey." "Are you still black stars friend?" "Yeah I forgived him for what he did to you." After staying there for a little while I went back home.

Your point of view.

I was with stien talking to him almost all day. Then we looked at each other and we kissed. It was so passionately kiss. He came to my bed and I went on top of him I took of his shirt. We kissed all night long. Then I woke up and I woke him up to. "Please don't say anything to anyone Stein." "Don't worrie bae, I won't" Stein took me home and everyone was there waiting for me. I was really happy to see them again. When the party was over me and soul were together. "Hey soul can I ask you a question and you won't get mad?" "I won't. I promise." "When you left me and stien um.....we...we kissed all night and we did stuff." "Oh its okey I understand that you like some boys but I will always know that you will like me more so I won't bother." "OMG! Thanks soul!"

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