Alone Part 2

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Your point of view.

Me and soul were at the house ALONE. I took him to his room. "Hey soul! You wanna have some "fun" with me?" I said with a little blush. "Oooh yeah bring it on bae!" Said soul taking his shirt off.


Makas point of view.

I was going home. I opened the door and I saw (Y/N) and soul in the bed. (Y/N) was half naked and soul was just..... :3 "You guys! What are you doing?!" I said soooooooo mad. "Um w-we weren't doing anything maka we were just having some " fun"". Said (Y/N) covering her bra with the blanket. "That is not fun!" I grabbed her wrist and took her out to the streets. "And you won't go to stiens lab because he is sleeping with us so you won't do that stuff. You will stay out here until you learn!!" I said and slammed the door after me. "What was that maka?! She is my girlfriend!" Soul said really mad. "I don't care you and stien have to stop this is going way to far!" I tied him up in a chair and went to find stien. I went to the Death room and found stien. "Stien your coming with this instant!" I said grabing his wrist "where are we going?" "We are going to my house and you are staying there!" Once we where getting to the house I saw (Y/N) on the floor crying. Her crying was black because of her mascria. "(Y/N)!" Said stien tring to get away from me. "No!" I said and dragged him in tied him like soul also. The i went to the door to lock it. I locked every single thing.

Your point of view.

I was crying. Maka thought that it was my mascria but it wasn't. It was my black blood. Then I went running out of death city. I went to San Diego where my best friend was living. Her name is Vanessa Gonzalez. She is your YouTube partner. You went to her house and knocked on it. "(Y/N)?! What happened?!" She said really worried. Entoan,Dlive, and Markiplier where there to. They where your friends too. You told them what happened. You stayed with them until maka let you come back. You wanted to make a vid seems you haven't made one like in a long time. Your fans weren't mad because they already knew That you had go to to death city. You went to your recording room and got everything set up and started. "Wat's sup kats my name is (Y/N) and welcome to my channel! I know that I've been away for a long time but I'm back gladly, and today I'm going to be playing the new, the final Five Nights At Fraddys 4!! I herd that it just barely came out soo I thought that you guys might wanted to see me play it. Ok then here we go!" Then after you finished your video and edit it you took a break of all those scary jumpscares. You where thinking what you would do next.

Stiens point of view.

(Y/N) was gone for a week already and I was worried that something bad could happen to her I also thought about what Death told me about her. I didn't know that she would go that far away from us. We tryied to contact her but then we found out that she had laft her phone in death city. Well that was embarrassing. Soul was even worried even more than he used to. Maybe I should just let them be ALONE.

Soul's point of view.

I was worried more than I ever was. Then I just locked myself in my room and thought about the moments that me and (Y/N) had. I remember the first time we meet. *I was walking on the hallways and then a girl bumbed into me. "Oh My God I'm soo sorry!" She said. "No, its OK, here let me help you." I said and then we both reached for the same book and touched hands.
We both blushed really badly. "My name is (Y/N), I'm half wepen,mister and half cat. You can also call me Kitts if you want." "My name is soul" "nice to meet you soul." She said. She looked soo beautiful. Then time passed and we got to know each other.* "Soul! You need to get some fresh air get out of there!" Said maka. I went out and saw Kid,Crona,BlackStar,tsubaki,Liz and Patti. "We are going somewhere" said kid. "Where are we going?" The rest of us said. "It's a special place soul just for you and (Y/N) but the bad part is that she is not here." Kid said sounding really sad. They took me to the beach it was noon and the sun looked really pretty on top of the water. The water was glorious and its sunshine looked like the reflection of (Y/N) eyes. The breazz of the water touched my skin and it felt like if she was hugging me. Then I turned to maka and hit her. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT MAKA?! WhY?!!!" I said really mad at maka. "I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA IF YOU GUYS DIDNT DO YOUR NASTY STUFF! IM SO SORRY SOUL! I-I didn't mean to take you guys apart." "WHAT NOW MAKA?! WHAT IF SHE WENT TO ANOTHER GUY?! WHAT IF SHE WENT WITH ENTOAN?!" I said at the top of my lungs. "No she loves you I know that she won't go with him and leave you for scrap!" She said. "You do?" "Yes and I'll or we will make her come back right guys?" "Right!" They all said.

Your point of view.

At the next day I decided to bring back some memories from youtube times. "Wat's sup kats my name is (y/N) and welcome, wrong channel, hai kats and kittens my name is (y/N) and this is my best friend and YouTube partner Miz.Meow! And today we decided to bring some YouTube memories back so here you go hopefully you guys enjoy!" The memories: " hai kats and kittens my name is (y/N) and this is my best friend and YouTube partner Miz Meow!" "So this is our first YouTube video and we were thinking that you guys should pick a game for us to play" "Yeah I've heard about some games like Five Night's At Freddy, Never Ending Nightmare's, we also have P.S. 3 and 2 we also have a Wii and an Xbox and a bunch of stuff like that." "Yeah we hope that you guys enjoy our vids." "Oh I almost forgot, we have other channels, mine is KittyLove and hers is Miz.Meow." "yeah you guys have to check them out." "Oh we will also do A&Q'$ in our vids, maybe if you guys want you can ask us any questions. Just go to face book and put rebelcats and also in twitter. Also check out KittyLove06 and Miz Meow in both." "Yeah we will be texting things like when we upload a video or stuff like that." "Well we hope that you like our videos and channel and make sure to hit that subscribe button and we'll see you soon! Toddles!" *JUMPSCARES* OTHER MEMORIES AND STUFF.
"Well we hope that you enjoyed this video make sure that you hit that subscribe button and we'll see you soon! Toddles!" Then I edit the video and went down stairs. "Hey kitty!" Said Entoan. "Hai Entoan wyd?" "I wanted to ask you something" "yeah what is its?" "Do you wanna be in one of my a&q vid?" "Really?! I'd love to!" Then we went to his recording room and started the vid. "What's up packer other viewrs my name is Entoan and today we are going to do an a&q and this time Kitty is going to be with like you guys wanted." He said and looked at his phone and serched for a question. I was carrying his cat lighting he liked me a lot he wouldn't really let any other cat next to me. "Ok this one is for both of us, have you guys ever dated?" "Um no we haven't idk why you guys ask that question for?" "This one is for you, KittyLove do you like someone?" "Yes I do and I won't say name's ok I don't like that." "Ok this one is for me, tell us what embarrassing did you had In high school, ok so I was in my chair with the two legs in back then I fell...and there .....was a... Girl that I liked behind me." "Oh really then I laughed because the girl in back was me" then we both laughed. "This one is for you Kitts, I thought that this is a answer and questions not truth or dare, anyways the dare is to kiss Entoan in the mouth for one min." "OMG I can't believe that my fans are making me do this. I'm going to put my timer on." I put it on and Entoan pulled me close to him. I put my hands around his neck and his hands were on my waist. We both looked at the camera and kissed. This was a pasionlly kiss. Then after that I pulled away but then he gave me another kiss in the cheek. We stayed quiet for while and I didnt want to be in the vid so he edit it like that and told the fans why he did that. I was in my room thinking of the old times. *old times* Me and Vanessa went to the comic con to see some of our fans. We walked for a little and I bumped into Entoan. We both looked at each other and I blushed really badly. "Are you okey?" "Yeah thanks" "(Y/N)!! Are you okey?!" "Yeah I'm alright." "Oh hello um..." "Entoan" "hello Entoan. This is my best friend and YouTube partner in rebel cats but we do have separate channels." "Oh cool what are they?" "They are KittyLove and Miz.Meow." I said still blushing. "Oh cool um I also do vids with my best friend his name is Dlive." "Hi" he said with his cheeks blushing I guess "hey um Dlive are you blushing or are your cheeks naturally red?" I said kind of laughing. "Oh I guess they're like that haha"*End of ols times* " hey (Y/N)!! Diner is ready!!" *sight* "going!!" I put my phone in my back pocket and went down stairs. I smelled meat and I like to eat meat once in a while. "Ummm who made this?" "Entoan" "whoa i didnt know that you could cook like this." After we eat we watch a fast and furious movie.

Sorry this was short I don't have alot of time where I'm am and I could beraly get internet to publish my books parts. Toddles!!

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