Messy Room || chapter 22

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Batman pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded, "i know, but i told you not to go in." said the man as he sighed, "well sorry, curiosity got the better of me." said Robin as he shrugged and sat on a stool, "help me clean the room up, i'll take him and you get rid of the blood." said Batman as he gestured the younger to follow him, which the younger did.

"Wally, can you grab a bucket and mop?" asked the younger as he turned to look at Wally, who nodded and went to grab the things, Batman picked the Joker up and brought him out of the room, the others grimaced at the sight of the Joker, soon the speedster came back with a mop and a bucket and gave it to the younger, who started mopping the floor.

the younger finished and he dumped the water out and put them away, suddenly they heard a bang and they looked in the direction and seen Batman underneath of the Joker and was struggling to get him off of himself, "come on Batsy, you know that i-" the Joker was cut off by the younger kicking and tackled him to the floor and putting him into a chokehold with his legs, Batman was quick to get up on his feet.

"what happened?!" asked Black Canary worried as she approached Batman and Robin, "boy wonder! how dare you-" said the Joker in a struggle but soon he fell unconscious again, the younger let him go and slowly stood up tired from all the force he had to use to take the Joker out quickly, "thanks, i'll take it from here now." muttered Batman as he dragged the Joker by his shirt.

"well now my legs hurt from that, im going to lay down." said the younger as he walked to his room, the others stayed silent as they watched the speedster following behind the younger, who yawned as he laid down on his bed, the speedster closed the door and laid down next to the younger, which he hugged the speedster tightly, who hugged him back just as tight.

"good night birdie." whispered the speedster, as he closed his eyes, "night carrots, i love you.." whispered the younger as he slowly closed his eyes, the speedster smiled and pulled the younger closer to himself, "i love you more, darling." murmured the speedster back with a grin now, both of them falling asleep shortly after.

Black Canary and Batman peeked their heads in, both smiled softly as they seen the two in bed cuddling eachother, Alfred was busy with the others since they kept on asking him questions about Batman and stuff, though he just stared blankly at a wall or something as he took a sip of his tea that he made earlier.

"Dick's birthday is coming up, do you know what he wants?" asked Black Canary as they walked around the base, "not exactly, im probably gonna make him a new gadget, or upgrade the ones he already has." said Batman as the blonde woman nodded, "i'll ask Wally what he's getting and base it off of whatever it is." said the blonde woman as she shrugged and the man nodded in understanding.

"Alfred! we gotta go now!" said Batman as the old man quickly put his cup of tea down and walked with Batman through the zeta tubes, bidding their goodbyes to the team and their den mother, "Connor, we got to get practicing, one more move and you'd be done the basics, unless you want to practice them all?" said the blonde woman as they walked away.

Wally walked out from Robin's room, "we hear its Robin's birthday coming up?" said Kaldur, "yeah, he doesn't like celebrating it though, he thinks it's a waste of time." mumbled the speedster as he stretched, "why? birthdays are fun!" said Megan excitedly as she smiled, "all your doing is celebrating that your getting closer to death." said the younger as he yawned.

"holy shit- you scared the crap out of me." murmured Artemis as she held her chest tightly, the younger chuckled and smiled softly in satisfaction, "so what do you want for your birthday?" asked Kaldur curious, the younger shrugged and rested his head in his hands as he held it up and stared at something on the wall or fridge.

"i don't know what i want, i never actually celebrated my birthday so i don't really know or care what i want, so you can get me anything i guess." said the younger as he shrugged once again, the others nodded before walking off to their own rooms, "do you actually want something in particular? like a pet or a toy or just something like that?" asked the speedster as they walked his room.

"i want a dog, maybe a Cane Corso or like one of those cool wolf dogs." said the younger as he looked around the speedster's room, who nodded and he grabbed a canvas, "can you pose?" asked the speedster as he took his painting supplies out, he turned his LEDS lights off and turned his regular room light one on, the younger nodded and did a pose.

the speedster then quickly painted him, which after he did the little details and soon finished, "you can move now, thanks birdie!" said the speedster as he smiled, the younger smiled back softly as he nodded and went to look at the painting, "this looks good." said the younger as he turned his head to look at the speedster, who only nodded and smiled again.

the speedster then pulled the younger on his lap as he hugged him by his waist tightly, "carrots-" the younger's breath hitched as he felt the speedster kiss his neck repeatedly in different spots, "uh- um c-carrots-" the younger bit his lip as he stopped mid sentence since the speedster found the sweet spot on his neck, which the other bit gently on it, making the younger let out a quiet whine.

"im so excited to paint and draw your face as i ruin you tonight." whispered Wally on Robin's neck, the younger's face was flushed red at that as the speedster looked at him with a smile, "and how do you know that-" the younger cut himself off as the speedster pulled out the box with a smirk, the younger looked away for a moment before he took the box.

the speedster smiled and he picked the younger up and took him to his bed, then he went to his door and locked it before he grabbed his sketchbook and the painting or drawing things he'll need for after, the younger opened the box and took the blindfold, vibrator, handcuffs, and lube before closing the box, he put the box on the bedside table and waited for the other.

WC: 1151
TWC: 1192

helloo!! i was planning the ending of this chapter for something else but decided to keep it in the back of my mind, so here is the first part of it, anywho your awesome ily <3 byeee!! *POOF!*

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