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Newt smiles and nods. Thomas takes his hand and the two walk back to Newt's house.

"I'm not sure if my mum is home. Sometimes she's there when I get home from school, other days she's still at work," Newt says while tugging on Thomas' hand as they cross the street together.

"What about your dad?" Thomas asks. He's never heard Newt speak about his father before, he wonders what happened.

Newt's gaze falls onto the sidewalk.

"Doesn't live here, mum and I moved away from London. He stayed for his job. I miss him everyday," Newt answers honestly. Thomas nods his head and lets out a hum, not wanting to push Newt to talk about his family. He wonders if either of his parents are omegas.

"Luckily mum and him still love each other. It's harder on her than me. I couldn't ever imagine being away from my mate for so long," Newt speaks casually. Thomas smiles and stares at Newt, who doesn't look back.

I couldn't ever imagine being away from my mate for so long, the words replay in Thomas' mind like a good song on the radio. Newt likes being around Thomas. The alpha gives his mates hand a light squeeze, making Newt blush.

"What about you? What are your parents like?" Newt asks while turning to walk down the alleyway. Thomas tightens his grip on Newt's hand and stays alert. Even though it's midday, he never knows what kind of weirdos lurk around.

Thomas' face scrunches together as he thinks about his parents. "They're... okay," Thomas doesn't know how to explain his relationship with his parents.

"Dad's strict as fuck, mom is too but not as much as dad. They're both alphas so you can imagine how competitive they are. Doesn't help that I'm one too," Thomas says, letting Newt in on his family lore. His parents have always been controlling, since day one.

"I see where you get it from," Newt jokes. Thomas just rolls his eyes at his mate.

They're the reason Thomas has always hated omegas. They've imprinted in his mind how weak and dull they are. It doesn't help either that they're taught it in school as well.

"I have this neighbour, he's just little kid. Names Chuck," Thomas smiles as he thinks about the little kid. "Sweet kid, this is his first year of middle school. My parents love him, almost more than they love me," Thomas says sadly. Newt gives Thomas with a sympathetic smile.

"He's a beta though, but he'll listen to anything you say. Chuck's like a little brother to me," Thomas speaks fondly of the small beta, as if he's known him all his life.

"What do your parents think about us?" Newt changes the subject, curious to know the answer to his question.

Thomas goes quiet and looks away from his mate. "Nothing good," he finally grumbles.

Newt feels a twinge in his chest. Of course they wouldn't approve of him and Newt. He wonders what their reactions were and what they said to Thomas.

"They know you're an omega, they can smell you on me. Also doesn't help that you're a boy," Thomas smirks at Newt, trying his best to approach the situation with humour. It is funny to him that his mate is boy, he never would've thought.

Newt's always had his attention, he loves his smell and his white fluffy ears and tail. Not to mention his beautiful eyes and soft skin, Newt is a very attractive omega.

"Oh shove off, girls are overrated anyways," Newt gently bumps his shoulder against Thomas' and they laugh together.

They stop talking about their families as they arrive at Newt's house. He notices that his mom's car isn't in the driveway.

"Looks like she isn't home," he observers aloud. Thomas nods in agreement and watches Newt unlock the front door to his house.

It's weird coming over just for the sole purpose of hanging out. Thomas only has ever come over to prove some kind of point. Now the two get to hangout as friends, as mates.

As soon as they step through the door, Thomas' tail starts wagging.

Home. Newt's home. He forgot how lovely it smells.

They take off their shoes and the two carry their backpacks upstairs to Newt's room. The omega closes the door behind them and Thomas stands in the middle of the bedroom.

He can feel his eyes flick pink when he smells the state of Newt's room. Heat, it still smells like Newt's heat. It's not like the scent is lingering, but it's on full display for Thomas' nose.

"So... what was Teresa telling you?" Newt asks, breaking the silence. He plops his bag down on the floor and walks over to his bed to sit. Luckily for him, his room isn't a mess.

Thomas swallows hard and rubs his nose, inhaling his own scent before putting his bag next to Newt's. He looks around the room, spotting Newt's desk with a chair. He walks towards it, knowing he won't be able to handle himself if he sits in Newt's bed.

"She uh, she was just telling me how you embarrassed her," Thomas smiles, he tries thinking about his conversation with Teresa rather than Newt's delicious scent.

"Yeah? You weren't mad?" Newt asks anxiously. He fiddles with his fingers as he waits for a response.

Thomas lets out a chuckle, "fuck no! It turned me on, remember?" Thomas jokes slightly. "I love what you said to her. She quoted it for me, word by word. I think it's adorable how jealous you get of her."

Newt's eyes widen.

"Jealous?! Me?! I'm not jealous! She's the one who gets jealous! She's the bloody problem, not me! Teresa just can't handle the fact you rejected her," Newt raises his voice slightly as he gets worked up. It just makes Thomas laugh more.

"Yeah? Is that why you had to remind her you and I fucked?" Thomas stops laughing and smirks at Newt.

The omega rolls his eyes and blushes before mumbling a whatever.

"Relax Newtie, I told her you had every right to say what you said. I didn't agree with her for even a second. I love how much you care," Thomas says reassuringly.

Newt doesn't reply, he just lets out an embarrassed whine and pulls his tail onto his lap, petting it. His ears go down and he pouts slightly.

Thomas notices the shift in behaviour so he gets out of the chair and walks over to Newt. The scent hits him harder the closer he gets to the bed.

The omega doesn't look back up at him, he just keeps his eyes glued to his tail as he sulks to himself.

Thomas crouches down in front of Newt and places a finger on his chin, lifting his head up so they can look at each other.

"Trust me Newt, I'm all yours."

Lonely Omega •Newtmas•Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant