
546 21 13

A/N sorry for the short chapter!

I'll be sure to edit tomorrow (:

-Milo, xoxo

"Trust me Newt, I'm all yours."

Newt doesn't even notice his own lips parting as he stares into Thomas' eyes. Curse him and his bloody good looks.

Yours, all yours, Thomas thinks to himself. He never thought he'd surrender himself to someone else, especially an omega. But to identity as someone else's, to be mates with someone, it makes Thomas feel special. He somehow knows that Newt will take great care of him.

Thomas smiles and gently presses up on Newt's chin, causing him to close his jaw. Newt comes back to reality and blushes even more. He wipes the drool the corners of his mouth and shuffles back on the bed. Thomas stands back up, smiling down at Newt.

The omega clears his throat and brings his legs up onto the bed to cross them. "Y-You can sit if you want," Newt gestures towards the open space on his bed. He watches Thomas' pupils dilate as they scan over the sheets. The alpha shakes his head and rubs his nose again.

"Uh, that's okay," Thomas says while walking back to the chair. He wheels it closer to the bed and sits down. There's a 6 foot gap keeping them apart.

Newt tilts his head, confused as to why Thomas doesn't want to sit with him. He's used to the scent by now and doesn't question it, meaning he doesn't realize Thomas can smell his heat lingering around the room.

Thomas notices the puzzled look on his mates face and is quick to speak up.

"It's not that I don't want too- it's just, uh," he looks anywhere but at Newt, not wanting to make his mate uncomfortable. "Your room reeks of heat still," Thomas tells him honestly while covering his nose with his sleeve, inhaling his own scent. His mind is already getting clouded with inappropriate thoughts due to the familiar scent.

Newt's too damn sweet.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't even think of that. We can go to the living room," Newt stands up in a hurry, feeling bad for locking Thomas inside his heat scented room.

As Newt starts walking to the door, Thomas stands up and grabs his arm.


Newt pauses and looks at Thomas, his eyes glancing from his arm and back up into his mates eyes as a way of telling him to let go. Thomas looks down at his own hand and is releases Newt's arm instantly.

He clears his throat, "uh, I mean it's fine Newt. Trust me. I'm sure this won't be the last time I smell your heat anyways," Thomas playfully wiggles his eyebrows at Newt, causing the omega to groan. He can tell the effects of his scent are getting to his mate. Thomas seems on edge.

"Oh you're just full of jokes," Newt grumbles before sitting back down. "But seriously," Newt looks at him with a serious expression. His heart beats heavily against his chest, it makes him rather excited that Thomas enjoys his scent.

"Newt, trust me. I won't do anything you don't like," Thomas says reassuringly. As sweet and amazing as his mates scent is, he's an alpha. Thomas is sure he can control himself, it's not like Newt himself is radiating with heat anymore.

Newt nods his head doesn't reply. He looks down at his lap and chews on his bottom lip before looking back up at Thomas with his doe eyes.

"Who says I wouldn't like it?" Newt almost sounds like he's meant to be teasing Thomas, egging him on.

The alphas throat goes dry and he tilts his head, looking at Newt with desperation.

"Oh Newt, don't do this to me," Thomas' voice is just above a whisper. He can feel his eyes start shifting colours again, Newt undoubtedly sees it too.

The omega tries to keep a straight face but fails miserably. He lets out a smug smile, he's proud of himself for getting an alpha to feel so vulnerable and desperate.

"Do you remember in history class, when you told me you could smell that I've never been in heat? That I've never been with anyone?" Newt gets out of his chair. Thomas gulps and nods as Newt starts walking towards him. Thomas isn't sure if Newt's going to make a point or if he's going to cuss him out instead. The alpha almost winces at the thought of being so rude and threatening to his sweet little omega.

As Newt walks towards him, the blood in his body seems to be flowing faster. He's not sure what's happening, but he loves it. He loves watching his omega stalk over to him, staring into his eyes. A mischievous look is placed on Newt's face.

Newt stands in front of him and places his hands on the backside of the chair, causing Thomas to stay pinned to the chair.

"What do you smell now?" Newt teases.

Thomas reaches out and grabs Newt's hips, squeezing them lightly. He looks up into Newt's eyes, longing to feel Newt's lips against his once again.

"Me, I can smell myself all over you," Thomas' voice is hushed, it's just on the cusp of being raspy. He swallows, trying to moisten his throat.

Newt smiles and his tail does a little wag as Thomas answers his questions. He steps closer, his legs between Thomas' and hands in the same place. He sniffs the air by Thomas before nuzzling into his neck and inhaling deeply. The omega's tail wags faster and he starts nuzzling his head against Thomas'.

"Jesus Newt, what's gotten into you? This isn't the same omega from an hour ago," Thomas says with a smile. Newt lets out a whine and continues rubbing his head against Thomas', craving some sort of physically affectionate.

Thomas runs his hands up Newt's body and to his head. He massages his scalp lightly and pets behind his ears, making the omegas tail wag even faster than before.

Newt grabs Thomas' hands and pulls them off his head. He holds onto them and glances at the bed.

"Lay with me? Please?"

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