6. Artifact [3]

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Everything seems to be in shambles right now, making me left bewildered. Aella and Agapius seems to be going in and out of the academy, they still have not updated me of they were able to find things that can lead us to where the two were.

As long as we are in the academy, unable to go out, we're loss for hope on finding any leads. Can we even prepare a plan in 2 days?

Three hours had passed since Shiki got his artificial eye done. It took him almost two hours to finish the procedure. But you know what's weird? He went back to wearing his eyepatch.

Is he that attached to it that he uses it still, even after having an artificial eye? Or was it because he felt awkward suddenly showing up with two eyes to the others? Gah! I don't know, I have better things to do than deduced him.

"Hey Rinalyn, how are you?"

I almost ignored Arlo who approached me and almost slipped my mind I'm disguising as Rinalyn.

Why do I feel like, it's been so long since the last time I saw this man?

And as I expected, just like Shiki, he has floating heart above his head. Honestly, I thought the hearts are colored coded base on their profile, but Arlo' color was a darker blue. Both him and Shiki has blue palettes their hair, their eyes. The only difference was that, Arlo has a lighter blue hue while Shiki has a darker one.

"Oh, Arlo I'm doing fine, what about you?" I tried to be as casual and more refined sounding like Rinalyn.

It's hard. Why? Because I never saw these two interact with each other before, maybe there are couple of side glances, but that was it. Moreover, Arlo usually talks to Rei or Daryll when he's in our group. But commonly, he's with the twins.

"I'm fine as well, um, have you guys know any leads about Luna?" He asked with concern.

I stared at him for a couple of second, thinking of what needed to be said. Then, I shook my head.

"There's not much lead around the academy, if only we could have gone out then. . .perhaps we might get something. But the professors are truly strict about students planning to leave."

Arlo seem to be pondering of something after my statement. He seem to be hesitant to say something, for he keeps on glancing at me back and forth.

My brows knitted in bewilderment. Is there something he has to say? Why is he hesitating?

Arlo then stood straight and stared at me directly with earnest eyes. It's kind of made me uncomfortable, for someone once had looked at me earnestly, and saw a hint of gold in my eyes— I'm afraid of getting exposed, like how Shiki saw through me that day.

"I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say this but. . ." He trailed off, glancing around, checking if someone was with us in the hallway. "The SC president had called me out last week, and threatened me."

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