I Am Not a "This"

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Please read this, some important details are included in the disclaimers. Hi, I'm Tali. I know there are other Kidnapped by ATL fanfictions out there, but I have read both of them and found them boring/too short/etc. and have decided to write my own.

Here's the important part. I love All Time Low (with a burning passion), but I am human, and I make mistakes. So if I get a detail wrong about the band, please either tell me or ignore it. Any other mistakes such as grammar or spelling, I would also like if you told me. But if you don't care, ignore it.

Also, I imagine Luna with black hair and green eyes. Almost like a skater girl appearance if you catch my drift. Imagine her however you want to though.

Lastly, I have to say this. I do not own any characters/bands or songs/albums/brands that are mentioned in the story, obviously. And please don't copy. Thanks for reading and please give feedback! Enjoy!




I pulled a couple crumpled dollars out of a small pocket in my jeans and put them in the barista's hand.

"Medium french vanilla iced coffee with whipped cream right?" He asked to confirm my order. I nodded and stepped away to let the next person go while I waited for my coffee. I sat down at a little table and pulled out my phone.

I dialed my best friend's number without even thinking about it. It rang twice before she answered.

"What" She said sleepily.

"Ronnie are you kidding me? It's 4 in the afternoon. Wake up and meet me at Starbucks. We have a hot barista up in here." I said. I always called her when the barista was cute. It's her dream have a barista boyfriend. I'm not sure why. I guess she either wants discounts or short love notes written on the cup.

"I'm leaving now." She said hurriedly. I laughed.

"Luna?" The barista called. I walked up to get my coffee then sat back down. After spending about ten minutes on my phone playing a random game, Ronnie walked in the door. She noticed the barista immediately and went to go order a coffee. I stood up and threw my empty coffee cup put and Ronnie followed me.

"What'd you get?" I asked. She held up an empty cup with a phone number written on it. She squealed as I laughed.

"Did you walk here too?" She asked, I nodded. We both groaned because now we had to walk home. It was only around the block though. We walked into the apartment building and into our small apartment that we shared. Ronnie sat down on the couch and asked me to make dinner for her. I nodded. I pulled a frozen pizza out and put it in the oven while Ronnie picked a movie.


"I'm going out." I said after we had finished the movie. It was around 9 now and was beginning to get dark. I walked to the park and lit a cigarette. I've been really stressed lately and I was trying to quit. Nothing lasts forever right?
Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me.

"Can I get a light?" I turned around and looked at the stranger. He was cute. He had bright blue hair and an adorable smile. I took a puff of my cigarette and pulled my lighter back out. I handed it to the stranger.

"Thanks, what's your name?" He asked lighting his cigarette. I smiled and replied.

"Ella, you?" I didn't use my real name, I never do unless I think it's important. I just like the name and I'm really scared that I'm gonna be stalked or something.

"Alex.. I don't actually smoke. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you." He threw the full cigarette away and stomped on it. I smiled and he smiled back with that same cute smile.

"Well I got to go. I'll see you around, Alex." I laughed. I turned around to walk away when I saw a guy beating up another guy, who seemed to be really hurt. The other man just kept beating him until he was unconscious. The man seemed to be dead. I ran over but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

It was Alex. He pulled me against my will to his car and left me in the back seat. Alex got into the front seat and began driving.

"Let me out, you creep!" I screamed. I thrashed around in the car and screamed bloody murder. He had tied my hands with a bungee cord. He didn't answer. He drove over to where the man was. Another man got in the car. The killer. He had blonde streaks in his dark hair.

"Jack, what just happened?" He asked frantically. "Jack" seemed just as scared.

"I-I don't know. We've just got to get out of here." He said. I cleared my throat, as they seemed to forget I was there. Jack was startled as Alex seemed guilty.

"What is this" Jack half-screamed. I butt in.

"I prefer to refer to myself as a who. As I am a real living person. Not a this." They ignored me. I was just trying to lighten the mood. Although, with the current situation, lightening the mood might be close to impossible.

"She saw the whole thing. I didn't know what to do." I cleared my throat again so they wouldn't talk about me in third person.

"How are you so calm right now?!" Jack asked. I shook my head.

I have no idea.


The guy with the nose piercing walked in and threw his coat on the hanger. Apparently, his name is "Zack." I'm not really sure, I'm still learning my kidnappers names. Maybe if I on't talk at all I won't have to learn their names. My thoughts were interrupted by Zacks voice.

"He's fine. I took him back to his house. He doesn't know who Jack is or who I am so we should be fine. Other than the fact that we kidnapped someone!" He looked towards Alex angrily.

"I panicked." He defended. I giggled a little under my breath. I guess the other one, Rian, heard me because he asked the same question as Jack.

"How are you so calm through all of this? If it were me, I'd be scared out of my mind." He asked. I shrugged.

"As much as I hate to say it, I've been through worse."

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