Happy Birthday?

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oh my gosh you guys are so amazing. every time I see a comment or vote I get so happy so thank you so much lovelies.



The next morning wasn't easy. I tried to get Alex to pretend like nothing happened but he wasn't as serious about it as I was. He was so happy.

Does Alex like me? I mean, we didn't even kiss before last night. it was like zero to one hundred. But the next morning it was like we were newlywed. He couldn't stop smiling.

As we walked down the stairs and into the living room he smacked my ass when he passed me. I screamed and everybody turned my way. I blushed and laughed, but secretly I wanted to physically  throw myself out the window and pull Alex with me.

What is he doing, like why is he making it so obvious? Regardless, it's Zack's birthday today. I'm planning on telling them my real name and everything today. I've never done this before. Me and Ronnie met when we were little, so I didn't fake my name back then meaning I didn't have to tell her my real name, obviously. And I've never had any other friends that I was required to tell about it. I've never been a people person.

This is going to be a long day.

"Good morning." Jack said with a mouthful of pancakes as we walked downstairs. I suddenly realized how suspicious it was that we walked down together and by the tone of Jack's voice, he realized too.

"Shit" I muttered quietly to myself hoping no one could hear. They didn't. Alex was yelling at Jack for not making him pancakes. Jokingly of course.

"What are we doing for Zack's birthday?" I asked.

"We're hosting a party apparently." Lex said in response. Jack rolled his eyes. Me and Alex furrowed out brows in response.

"Wow, you guys are like- connected." Gesturing between our facial expressions. I smiled but then frowned again.

"That's besides the point, aren't you excited for the party?" I asked. I saw Alex smirk at me in response to Jack's comment out of the corner of my eye but I didn't let myself look at him.

"Zack is bringing his girlfriend. She's just not my favorite person is all. " Jack said with the same grim look. Alex scoffed.

"She really isn't that bad, you guys just got off on the wrong foot" Alex retaliated. I could hear Jack internally screaming so I figured something bad happened. But I guess I'll have to find that out later. But right then I needed to speak with Alex.

"Lex, come with me." I think Alex saw the steam coming out of my ears so he walked into the bathroom with me obediently.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him. He moved his hands onto my waist and pulled me

"Shh, don't worry about it. I'm not going to do anything. First of all, I act this way all the time. You're just noticing it now because of the recent events. Second, what would be the problem if people found out?" He shrugged. I copied him.

"I'm not sure, I feel like this wasn't supposed to happen." I said, looking down at my shoes. He kissed my forehead, then kissed my nose as if I was a little girl. I smiled.

"Well it was." Then he kissed my lips. I moved my hands around in his hair. Then I heard a knock on the door, so we jumped away from eachother. I looked towards him in panic.

"Occupied" We said simultaneously.

"Shit!" We said together again. I heard Alex say "Jinx" so I smacked him on his arm.

"Sorry.." A girl responded. I wondered who it was before Alex walked out nonchalantly so he could say hi. This child will be the death of me. When I walked out of the bathroom door (after fixing my hair which was very messed up) he was hugging a girl. Afterward the girl walked over to Zack as Jack was giving her a nasty look. I feel very dumb.

"Is that the girlfriend?" I whispered to Rian who was standing next to me. He nodded.

"She slept over last night. You and Alex were asleep before she came over so you must have missed her." He said those words in the same tone Jack did when he told us good morning.

"Yeah." I said awkwardly.

"How long are you going to try to keep this a secret? We all basically know." He laughed. I laughed too.

"It's not a big deal, although that girl you were talking about that you met at the mall seemed more your type." He said.

"Yeah, Shannon's really sweet." I smiled.

I walked over to the group that Alex was sitting in. I snuggled into his side. He looked at me with a confused face.

"You're right, it doesn't matter. " I said as I laid my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head. I don't think any of the other boys cared.

"Oh my gosh!" Zack's girlfriend said when she saw me. Alex looked at me.

"You're that girl! We've met before I know it." She said. I look at her with a quite nasty look. Hey, if Jack doesn't like you neither do I. "We met at that bar like last month." Shit.

"Yeah. I -uh remember you I guess." I tried to pretend I didn't remember her, I told her my real name. I was so drunk that night I don't know what I was thinking.

"Yes you do, Luna right?" She said. I shook my head no.

"No it's definitely you. You look different but I could never forget you, me and you got tiny tattoos on our wrists." I looked down at my wrist and saw the small tattoo I had been trying to forget about. A couple nights before I was kidnapped I met her at a bar and afterwards I avoided her the best I could. I guess I didn't try hard enough.

"Luna?" Zack asked. All the guys seemed to be asking the same thing.

"Wait, Who are you?" Alex said.

"I- I'm Luna Hart."

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