Jealousy, Sadness, Pain

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okay, im sorry. I've been gone for a really long time i know. I started high school and suddenly ran out of time for all this. i tried to make this chapter  long for you. i love this story and i love every one of you that reads, votes, and comments to support it. also, WE HIT ONE THOUSAND!! also, i finally picked who i wanted to represent Luna and i picked Emma Roberts. in this picture she has brown hair but in the story she has blue-ish hair but it's not important. you can picture her as whoever you please. okay im done sorry.


I breathed in the hot smoke from the blunt Shannon rolled. I passed it to her and breathed the smoke out, feeling better than ever. She took a hit and blew it into my mouth. I breathed it out and kissed her. She kissed me back and others surrounding us made gagging noises so we stopped. Shannon laughed and pecked my lips one more time then taking the blunt and stepping on it because it was burnt all the way down. I smiled at her and took her hand. Ronnie interrupted us.

"Hey Luna, are you done yet?" She asked. I nodded and we walked together to wherever the drinks were. Ronnie doesn't smoke because she has really bad asthma. I grabbed two cups and filled them with some mystery mix in a tub on the table. I handed one to Shannon.

"Now what should we do?" Ronnie said. I shrugged. Too high to speak. Shannon collapsed on the couch and I sat next to her, putting my legs on her lap.

"We're tired." I mumbled.

"Oh hell no, you are not doing this right now. We are dancing and that's final." Ronnie demanded. We groaned but got up. I got up first, so as we were walking Shannon told me how good I looked in my purple dress. I blushed and gave her a look but continued walking.

I started to get the spins from drinking and smoking. I had had two cups of the mystery tropical beverage by now and was starting to get very drunk. The stuff was basically 85% liquor and 15% juice. Me and Shannon were just dancing when I started to feel sick. I didn't throw up, but I have a terrible fear of vomiting so I texted someone in my speed dial to come get me. I didn't care who it was I just hoped it wasn't my Mom. I began to drift away from Shannon and Ronnie. I went on a mission to find water. I was looking for like 30 minutes. While I was on my way back to Shannon and Ronnie I tripped and someone caught me.

"Thank you!" I slurred enthusiastically. Whoever it was took me into another room. It seemed like a bathroom.

"Do you have any water?" I couldn't make out the stranger's face. They put a hand over my mouth and bent me over the sink. I tried to scream but they wouldn't let me. I assumed it was a man from the size of his hand. I also figured out in that moment that whoever it was had also somehow drugged my drink, because Shannon and Ronnie weren't as shit-faced as me. He was going to rape me.

"No" I told myself, "Not again." He tried to pull my pants down but I bit his hand. He moved it down to my throat and held it so hard I still could not speak. I felt myself drifting off, I was about to pass out and this man was going to get what he wanted. I cried, and tried to scream. But I couldn't breath. He was big, and I knew I wouldn't be able to fight him. So I stuck my fingers down my throat and vomited on the floor onto his expensive shoes. While he was distracted, I spit on his face and ran. He grabbed my arm so hard I thought it would break. I screamed for help. I saw a familiar shape with blue hair when everything started to get fuzzy. But I knew I would be okay. 


That morning when I woke up, the doctors told me that I was in fact drugged but also had consumed an excessive amount of alcohol. They didn't mention the pot but I knew they knew. They told me to be careful. I was so embarrassed. I asked for my friends. Ronnie, Shannon, Alex, and the rest of the boys came in. I begged that my family wouldn't show up.

"What happened?" I asked. I only remembered bits and pieces.

"Some asshole tried to rape you." Ronnie replied. I sighed in relief.

"So I wasn't raped?" I asked. She nodded. "Did he get arrested?" She nodded again. I smiled. Alex stepped forward and hugged me tightly. He was so scared. 

"Are you hurt? Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes, because of you. I don't know what you did, but thank you." I smiled. 

"Oh, you don't wanna know." The doctor walked in. She said I could leave whenever I wanted. I practically sprung out of the hospital bed, the doctors must have given me painkillers because I know if they didn't I would be in hangover city right now. Ronnie brought me a smoothie from Jamba Juice earning a squeal of happiness and a kiss on the cheek. I downed the whole thing in like 5 minutes. I realized I now had to go back home and leave the boys. I asked Ronnie if she would be mad if I spent just one more day with them and she laughed saying I didn't need her permission. 

But for some reason I felt like I did. I had only just come back from being a missing person. If I were her I would want to cling on for dear life. I still had to tell them. And this time I had to do it for real. And what would I say about Shannon? 

"I need a cigarette." I said putting my hand to my forehead. 

"Oh no you don't" Alex pulled me back by my waist. 

"Lexiii" I whined. He turned me around to face him and gave me a sarcastic smile, his hands still wrapped around my waist. There was a split second where he looked me in the eyes, and I could see something in them. Jealousy, sadness, pain. But, I pulled his hands off my waist and tried to move on. 

I was wrong. He doesn't care. He shouldn't care.

 I could feel Shannon's eyes. She really is a great girl, there's just something holding me back. 


 The boys loved pizza. Personally, I have a bad relationship with food and pizza makes me feel sick. Jack and Rian went to go pick up the pizza and some chicken tenders for me, while Zack went out with his girlfriend, Dani. So, in a not so surprising turn of events, Alex and I were alone. I swear the boys did this on purpose. 

"Should we talk about this?" He asked. Of course, me being me, I acted as if I had no idea what he was talking about. 

"Talk about what?" I said, taking a sip of my iced tea. 

"Come on, Luna. You know. I just want you to know that - well I - uh -" He stuttered, "I like you, a lot, and I don't want you to see anyone else." 

My mouth dropped slightly, but I quickly closed it. 

"You - what?" 


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