That Wasn't Supposed To Happen

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I dialed on the phone. This may have been a very very stupid idea, but I had already died my hair and changed my look. I also had a hell of a lot of black makeup on, so I don't think the police will recognize me.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" The operator said.

"Yes, hi." I said in my best elderly voice, "The boys next door are being very rude and loud."

"Ok Ma'am, I'll redirect you to the local police."


I heard a knock at the door after about 10 minutes. I told them not to rush and to only send one officer. I walked out of my room and told the guys I would get the door.

"Hello officer, what's the problem?" I said as I felt all the boys eyes burning into my back. I'll prove that I'm trustworthy.

"Uh, there was a noise complaint. Please keep it down." He said, obviously confused by my amount of enthusiasm.

"Yes of course, sir." I nodded and smiled. The officer waited with a confused face.

"Wait, have we met before?" My heart stopped. He wasn't supposed to recognize me.

"U-uh no I don't think s-so, bye" I choked out trying to close the door.

" Ok, um, have a good day?" He said awkwardly as I closed the door. I turned around dreadfully. The guys' faces were so terrified.

"What the fuck was that?" Jack asked. I was taken back by his tone. Jack is usually so laid back and chill. But now he was frantic.

"A n-noise complaint" I stuttered nervously. They knew I was lying but they saw that I was scared so they all circled me in a group hug.


"I thought for sure you were going to tell him who you were. I wouldn't blame you." He said, guilt dripping from his voice.

"I wanted you to trust me. I guess that wasn't the best way to prove myself. I would never ever rat you guys out. Sure, I'm probably never going to have a normal life again. But I'm okay with that as long as I'm with you... All of you guys I mean." I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. Alex looked down at his toes.

"Well we do trust you. But it still hasn't died down enough for you to call Ronnie. I'm so sorry." He choked out the last part. He was so sincere and sorry, I saw tears about to spill from his eyes. I cupped his face with my hand and wiped a tear away.

"It's okay, I'll be okay, and you'll be okay." I cooed at him. He nodded but he obviously wasn't convinced. He began to sob into my shoulder. I put my arm around him and let him cry. I began to cry too.

"No. No Alex its going to be okay, there's no need to cry." He nodded and wiped his tears.

"You're right. It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay." He repeated. He looked into my eyes, and touched the back of my head. All of the sudden we were kissing, his hands were on my lower back and mine tangled in his faded blue hair. He ran his tongue along my lower lip and the kiss became more and more heated. He picked me up, continuing to kiss me and carried me to his bed across the room.

He laid me down and hovered over me, also taking my shirt off. I flipped us over and took off his, but the lack of contact was bothering him so he began to kiss my neck while trying to undo my bra. Surprisingly, he did it by himself.


Waking up next to someone was a foreign feeling for me. My eyes opened and I was laying on Alex's bare chest. I felt his hand on my waist and mine was draped over his body. I don't usually wake up warm. When I wake up my covers are on the ground and I'm spread out on my bed, but this is different. I want to bottle this warmth, this happiness, and live in it forever.

"Lex?" The nickname left my mouth without me even think about it.

"You're awake?" He questioned.

"Yes." This might be the modest awkward moment of my life.

"Let's not mention this to the other guys, ok?" I nodded against his chest. He kissed my head. My stomach grumbled and I wished it didn't because Alex instinctively got up. He went to the kitchen an began to make breakfast, leaving me in his bed, cold and naked.

I didn't even plan on that happening oops sorry.

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