I Do?

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"Rian. Rian. Rian. Rian. Ri-" I poked before he interrupted me.


"I'm hungry." I stated. Rian sighed.

"You just ate an hour ago." He complained. I just looked at him with puppy dog eyes. He handed me the bag of Doritos he was eating. I fist pumped in the air and whispered, "Yessss"

Alex laughed from across the room and moved over next to me so he could have some. I've been at their house for about 2 days now and being kidnapped isn't that bad. I mean, I never really leave the house but they treat me like a friend and bring me my coffee in the morning so I'm doing okay.

The only thing is they can't let me go or call anyone because they could get arrested. I guess they're afraid I'll snitch. I understand, I just miss Ronnie. I feel bad for myself but I also feel bad for them. I know it's crazy, but they must be so scared right now. Also they've been so nice to me.

"Ella. Ella?" Jack called. He was sitting next me and Rian was sitting on my other side, leaving Alex and Zack on the lives eat across from us.

I'm not sure why I haven't told them my real name yet. It was a little fun, but also weird since I didn't respond to Ella as well as Luna.

"Oh uhm sorry what's up?" I said, slightly shaking my head with a smile.

Jack looked confused, but didn't ask.

"We've been thinking," Zack began speaking, motioning to the four of them, "and we think you should get a makeover. So, you know, people won't recognize you."

I almost cringed. What's that supposed to mean? Alex noticed my confused expression and held out his hand. I took it and he led me out the door.

I didn't think he would let me out of the house. I was still a missing person. As if he was reading my mind, Alex held out a pair of sunglasses and a black Panic! At The Disco beanie.

"Here, put these on and stuff your hair in the beanie." I followed his instructions.

"Where are we going, if you don't mind me asking?" I asked sarcastically.

"We are going shopping for the new you."


I walked out of the dressing room, wearing ripped high waisted jean shorts and a black tank top with an Attila logo on it and a long lace black sweater.

Alex's eyes opened wide for a second but quickly went back to their normal size. I laughed lightly and asked what he thought.

" Uh uhm I don't know. I like it." He stuttered awkwardly. Usually I wear more grungy stuff, but they wanted to make me into a "metal chick" as they like to call it.

We had gotten about 9 shirts, 9 pairs of pants/shorts, and 2 pairs of vans. Now we had to go to some hair store to get dye for my hair. My hair has been naturally dark brown my whole life, so I'm not excited to bleach it.

"What color do you want?" Alex asked as we walked in the entrance of the store. I picked up a bleaching kit on our way to where the dye was.

There was so many colors. I figured, if I'm gonna dye my hair I better go all or nothing. I picked up some purple and blue dye. Alex was surprised slightly at my choice but went along with it.

We checked out and we're almost out the door before Alex stopped me. I stopped and stood before him with a confused expression.

"One more thing. I know you already have a nose piercing, but I think it would be really cool if you got a couple more. It will really change your look up." He said shyly. I laughed. Is he scared of me?

"Alex, I don't care. I actually wanted a couple more piercings. How about a septum, nose bridge, and maybe medusa?" I suggested. Alex nodded and we walked towards the piercing/tattoo store.

"Hi! What can I do for you?" The enthusiastic receptionist said. I smiled slyly.

"I need a couple piercings and he wants a tattoo." I smiled wider and more mischievously. Alex turned to me wide-eyed.

"I Do?" He questioned. I nodded and tapped the top of his head. "you'll be okay Lexi." I said childishly.


"Ready?" The piercer said. I hummed in response. "Ok exhale." I breathed out and felt a sharp pain in my nose. It wasn't that bad actually. The other two weren't either. Tattoos though, they were another story.

Jen (the piercer) pushed the jewelry through my nose.

"All done." She held up a mirror to my face. I smiled at my new piercings.

"Thanks so much. They look so cool." I said. She smiled and put her had on my shoulder as if to say I was welcome. I almost forgot about Alex until Jen called the tattoo artist over to do his tattoo.

We decided to have Alex get some song lyrics on his wrist. He got to pick them so I didn't see until the end what he had picked.

"Ready?" The man said as if copying the piercer. Alex nodded nervously. He reached over and grabbed my hand quickly and tightly. I felt a tingle go up my arm. A blush rose to my cheeks.

What are you thinking Luna? He doesn't like you, he needs support.

Although knowing this, I still was a little flustered. I hid it the best I could, but I had a feeling Alex knew. I'm such an idiot!

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