She's Mine

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hi. I wanna give a short intro to myself really quick. I'm 13, my name is Tali. Anyway, I work part-time and I'm starting 8th grade soon. I've been writing/reading fan fictions since I was around 10. It was mostly One Direction but we won't talk about that. Anyway, I love love love getting feedback so make sure to vote and comment! Enjoy!




"Alexander William Gaskarth put me down right now or I swear I'll- oh my god Alex I'm gonna kill you" I said as I was whirled onto Alex's shoulder. "It's not my fault I'm better at picking up girls than you!"

"You cheated! It doesn't count" Alex retaliated.


As I shook hands with Alex for the bet we just made, I spied a girl in the corner of my eye. When I told him I was bisexual, Alex challenged me that he was better at asking girls out than me. I took the bet and now here we are.

Alex stared at me slyly, obviously intrigued by the same girl. She had pin straight black hair, two upper lip piercings, a shave in her eyebrow, and was wearing a ghost town t-shirt.

"I call dibs!" Alex called, beginning to walk towards the girl, she turned towards us as I put my foot out in front of him. Alex fell flat on the marble tile of the shopping center, looking up at me with a mean glare. The girl laughed, and I noticed her beautiful smile.

"She's mine" I thought to myself. I walked towards her, smiling slightly. As I got closer I waved to her, and she waved back. I smiled as I stood in front of the girl.

"Is he okay?" She laughed. I nodded slightly and told her my name, not my real name of course.

"Nice to meet you, Ella. I'm Shannon." She said. The conversation was silent for a few moments. She looked at me oddly.

"Something wrong?" She questioned. I shook my head no, slightly embarrassed.

"I'm trying to figure out where I've seen you before. I'm sorry haha."

"I figured. I make YouTube videos." She said enthusiastically. I saw a glimmer of happiness in her eye when she mentioned her career. It obviously meant a lot to her.

"Oh yeah! I remember now. Wow I can't believe it, I've watched My Digital Escape for a while."

"Well I would understand why you wouldn't remember me, I haven't been a part of it for that long." She said. I nodded. Me and Shannon talked for a little while about various things before she said she had to go.

"You know, we should get coffee sometime. " I suggested. She agreed and we exchanged numbers. As I walked away I made a face at Alex, he grimaced in response.

"You cheated." Alex said with a serious look on his face, although I knew he was holding back a laugh. I shook my head.

"I did no such thing!" I said in a posh voice, putting my hand over my chest pretending to be offended. We walked towards a Rita's water ice. We both ordered and sat down. I took a bite of my water ice as Alex explained the many reasons why he would have won if I haven't cheated. The only real one was his band.

"That nice Alex but my face hurts and I think people are started to wonder why I'm wearing sunglasses indoors so let's get out of here. " He nodded in agreement and we both finished our water ice and walked out the door.


"I never cheated now seriously put me down before I hit you." I said aggressively. He put me down and raised his eyebrows.

"Ooh a feisty one." He turned around and looked at Jack and he looked at me mischievously. They walked towards me slowly before jumping on top of me and tickling my sides. I screamed and laughed and yelled for help over and over again before Rian came over and told them to stop.

"This isn't over" Jack said. Alex made a fake mean face and made an "I'm watching you" gesture with his fingers.

I giggled and went outside to smoke. As I lit the cigarette between my lips someone came outside and sat next to me.

"You know, you should really quit that, it's not good for you." He said. I nodded.

"I've been smoking since I was fourteen. My whole family did it." I laughed but Alex noticed there was a story underneath my words.

He shook it off but I knew he was curious.

"I just didn't have a very loving family is all. They were nice from time to time but it was mostly 'Yo go get me a beer from the fridge' My brother was nice though. My twin brother Nick. He was my best friend growing up. But he stayed home when I came to Baltimore. We lived in a small town in Pennsylvania when we were kids. But I moved out as soon as I could, with my friend Ronnie." I realized I was ranting and looked over at Alex. He wanted to hear more. I smiled.

"How about you? Do you have a nice family?" I asked. He nodded. I took one last puff of my cigarette and put it out with my shoe.

"I didn't know you had a roommate." Alex asked obviously avoiding the question. I smiled anyway thinking about Ronnie.

"Yeah. She's my best friend actually. I love her to death. She's probably worried sick. Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god." I came to the sudden realization that people were probably looking for me. Tears threatened to spill over as Alex hugged me and calmed me down. I cried into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to make you feel bad. I understand why you did what you did." I said to him. He nodded but I could tell he felt bad.

We both walked back inside after I calmed down and the guys couldn't tell I had been crying.

Alex sat on Jacks lap and I laughed. Rian and Zack seemed to be used to it. I yawned and walked up to the guest room, giving a small wave to the guys.

They waved back and continued with their conversation. I went to the bathroom and began wiping off my makeup when I heard them talking about me through the walls.

"Guys we ruined her life. She'll probably never get to see her friends or family again, unless she decides not to tell the police. I trust her but I don't even trust myself enough to make that kind of decision. " I heard Alex's muffled voice. I agreed with him, although I knew that I would never tell anyone. How could I prove it to them?

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