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Thank you all so much for the votes, there isn't many comments but thats alright. It means so so much to me. Maybe I can start doing dedications on each chapter? Dont forget to tell me allllll your feedback I love talking to you guys so much! Also, sorry for not uploading very frequently. But you guys should know that I put a hell of a lot of effort and time into each chapter so thats why they take so long.
Anyway, Enjoy!


"El- I mean Luna! Sorry! Come downstairs we have a surprise for you" I heard Zack say.

"We're going on a road trip" Rian followed. I gave them all a suspicious look.

"What are you guys planning?" I said. They all nodded they're heads and played dumb. I went along with it and told them I would go upstairs and get ready.

I'm still getting used to my new look. My blue hair is kinda fading so I'll have to redo it soon. And picking out clothing was rough. Who knew being a "Metal Chick" would be such hard work. I decided to be lazy today and I went with Alex's Metallica shirt (Which was huge on me because I'm so fucking short. So I wore it like a dress) with ripped gray leggings.

I'm also starting to wonder if it was even necessary for me to dress this way or if Alex made it up because he thought it was hot. Either way, I don't have a problem with it. It's kinda cool. And I think the style if music is pretty great. I jumped into the front seat, Jack drove, and the rest of the boys got in the back. Alex complained that he couldn't sit with me but I just turned the radio up. Am I mean? Oh well.

We listened to Asking Alexandria's new album that came out in like March and we were jamming out. (A/N listen to asking's new album u will not regret it okay bye)

Before long I began to recognize my surroundings. This was my home. I saw my local Starbucks, and the small bar I passed everyday on my way to work.

"A-Are you taking me home?" I stuttered with tears in my eyes. Jack smiled and Alex kissed my cheek from behind. Obviously they didn't know where I lived so they asked for directions on how to get to my house from the park that they first saw me at.

We pulled up to my small house and I saw that someone inside was watching South Park. Ronnie.

I ran faster than I ever could up the driveway and to the door. Tears began to spill and my eyes were blurry. Through the window I could see Ronnie's shoulder length platinum blonde hair. I twisted the doorknob and my hands were shaking.

I walked in and inhaled the familiar scent of my home as Ronnie turned her body towards me. She stood up and walked slowly over to me, speechless.

"Lu- L- Luna" She whispered so softly I was barely able to hear. Then she fell into my arms. She's never really been a hugger, but I guess she is now. She stepped back after about 30 seconds and stroked my hair.

"I thought you were dead" She said as she began to sob. I began to cry as well, and the boys looked in the door that was left open.

"Guys this is Ronnie, Ronnie this is Alex, Jack, Zack, and Rian." I said. Ronnie seemed confused. I told the guys to wait in the car and I explained everything to Ronnie. She was really mad at first but I told her that she would understand once she got to know them.

When they came back inside I suggested we go out to eat. Everyone decided we should just go to the local diner. The diner was 50's themed and has always been me and Ronnie's favorite because they have really good cheese fries.

As I signaled the waitress Ronnie got up to go to the bathroom and I went with her. I was washing my hands when Ronnie asked if we could talk.

"Did they hurt you?" She asked frantically. I shook my head no.

"I love them like family. I don't know why or how but they did it to protect me and themselves. You know how I told you Jack thought he killed someone?" She nodded, "The man was looking for me, he was the stalker guy I met online that I told you about. Jack and Alex didn't even know me and they protected me. Once the man was unconscious they kidnapped me. Maybe it wasn't the best way to protect me but now the man can't hurt me anymore. They just told me this yesterday, and I'm not sure if I was supposed to tell you." Ronnie smiled.

"I told you that guy was fucking nuts. You didn't believe me!" She said laughing.

"I love you." I smiled as I hugged her. She said she loved me too.

"So when are you moving back in?" She asked. I stood there, for the first time realizing I would have to choose between my best friend and my boyfriend. What if Alex wanted me to stay with him? I mean we could get our own place together. No, we haven't even been together for that long. Oh my god, he's not even my boyfriend. We aren't even together, what am I thinking?

"Luna what are you doing" Ronnie called me from my thoughts.

"Oh - Uh soon." I said. She seemed confused but continued. As we walked out of the bathroom door she spoke again,

"Which one are you dating?" She smiled mischievously. I looked back at her in the same way.

"None, but I fucked the blue haired one a few times. But we'll talk about that later okay?" I replied in a whisper. She nodded and laughed.

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