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Hie Hie

Five years ago-

As the sun rises, casting a warm golden glow across the sky, the gentle rustle of leaves and the soft chirping of birds signal the arrival of a new day. In a cozy suburban neighborhood, the tranquil morning air is filled with the scent of fresh dew and blooming flowers.

Light gently filters through the curtains, casting a soft glow upon the room, Tae stirs from his slumber, his features still softened by the remnants of sleep. With a contented sigh, he slowly begins to awaken, blinking his eyes open to the new day.

However, as Tae rouses from his dreams, a cute pout forms on his lips, his expression resembling that of a sleepy kitten reluctant to leave its cozy bed. With a small whimper, he snuggles deeper into the warmth of his blankets, clearly not ready to face the day just yet.

Despite his best efforts to resist the inevitable, Tae's eyelids flutter open, revealing a pair of sleepy, yet sparkling eyes. With a final stretch and a soft yawn, he reluctantly sits up, his tousled hair adding to his adorable morning dishevelment.

As Tae's drowsy gaze focuses on the clock, his eyes widen in alarm as he realizes the time. With a sudden jolt of panic, he sits up straight in bed, his heart racing at the realization that today is not just any ordinary day—it's exam day!

In a flurry of motion, Tae throws off his blankets and leaps out of bed, his earlier drowsiness evaporating in an instant as he springs into action. With frantic movements, he rushes to get ready, his mind racing with thoughts of the exam looming ahead.

As he scrambles to gather his study materials and hastily throw on his clothes, Tae can feel the weight of his impending exam pressing down on him. With each passing second, the pressure mounts, and he knows he must act quickly if he hopes to make it to the exam on time.

With his heart still racing from the rush of adrenaline, Tae quickly takes a refreshing shower to shake off any lingering traces of sleep. As he emerges from the bathroom, his damp hair pulled back into a neat ponytail, he feels a renewed sense of determination wash over him.

Dressed in simple trousers paired with a sleek silk shirt and comfortable sneakers, Tae looks effortlessly stylish yet ready for action. His outfit is a perfect balance of practicality and sophistication, reflecting his calm demeanor even in the face of chaos.

With a final glance in the mirror to ensure he looks presentable, Tae takes a deep breath and heads downstairs, his mind already racing ahead to the challenges that await him. Despite the urgency of the situation, there's a quiet confidence in his step, a silent reassurance that he's prepared to face whatever the day may bring.

As Tae rushes towards the door, he's intercepted by the sound of his mother's voice calling out to him from the kitchen. With a fleeting glance back, he sees him emerge, a warm smile on his face as he offers him breakfast.

"Good morning, bear, come have breakfast''...he says, his voice filled with motherly concern.But Tae's mind is already racing ahead, his sense of urgency overriding his hunger.

"No, I AM GETTING LATE!"... he yells, his tone hurried as he bolts towards the door, leaving his mother to shake her head with a knowing smile.

𝚁𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕𝚛𝚢 𝚃𝚘 𝚁𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 {𝚃𝙺} ✓Where stories live. Discover now