✿ 11 ✿

212 24 0

Hie Barbies


Despite Tae's protests and playful resistance, Jungkook held him securely as he navigated through the dimly lit streets towards his car. Tae's drunken antics were endearing, but Jungkook knew he had to get him home safely. Ignoring Tae's pleas to stay out longer, Jungkook gently placed him in the passenger seat of his car, making sure he was buckled in securely. Tae continued to protest, but Jungkook remained firm, knowing that getting Tae home was his top priority. As he started the car and pulled away from the curb, Jungkook couldn't shake the feeling of protectiveness and concern for Tae's well-being.

As Jungkook settled Tae into the passenger seat and began to buckle him in, Tae suddenly wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck, pulling him close with a pout. Jungkook's heart raced at the unexpected closeness, but he remained composed as he gently tried to disentangle himself from Tae's grasp.

"Don't go home, Kookie, Stay here and have drinks''...Tae slurred, his words muffled against Jungkook's shoulder. He chuckled softly at Tae's playful insistence, but he knew they had to get home.

"We'll have drinks another time, Tae. Right now, let's focus on getting you home safely''...he replied gently, trying to reason with his intoxicated companion..

Despite Tae's protests, Jungkook managed to extricate himself from Tae's embrace and closed the car door securely. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he climbed into the driver's seat and started the car, determined to get them home without any further distractions.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile fondly as he glanced over at Tae, who was fast asleep, leaning against the car door. He adjusted his driving to accommodate Tae's peaceful slumber, making sure not to disturb him as they navigated the road.

The sight of Tae's serene expression brought a warmth to Jungkook's heart, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards the sleeping figure beside him. Despite the earlier chaos, seeing Tae resting so peacefully put Jungkook at ease, reminding him of the bond they shared.

With a gentle sigh, Jungkook focused on the road ahead, ensuring a smooth and steady journey home for both of them. As he drove, he couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that washed over him, grateful for the opportunity to be there for Tae, even in the simplest of moments.

As they reached Tae's house, Jungkook carefully lifted Tae into his arms once more who immediately snuggled to his chest, cradling him gently as he made his way to the front door. When Jin answered the door, his expression tensed momentarily at the sight of Tae in Jungkook's arms, but he quickly composed himself.

"Come in inside''... Jin said, gesturing for them to enter. Jungkook offered a sheepish smile as he stepped inside, carefully carrying Tae.

"Sorry for the trouble. Tae had a bit too much to drink''... he explained softly.

''no problem jungkook, thing matter that tae made safely to here with you, thank you so much''..Jin nodded understandingly, though his concern was evident.

''It's okay''... jungkook smiled

Jungkook followed Jin, feeling a mix of gratitude and unease. He was thankful for Jin's understanding but couldn't shake the discomfort of the situation. As they reached Tae's room, Jungkook carefully laid Tae down on the bed, tucking him in with care.

"Thank you once again, Jungkook''...Jin said sincerely, patting him on the shoulder.

Jungkook nodded, offering one last glance at Tae before turning to leave. As he made his way out of Tae's house, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease, hoping that Tae would be alright and that he hadn't caused any trouble for Jin or his family.

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