✿ 15 ✿

152 20 0

Hie Barbies


The next day, Tae decided not to go to the office, and Jungkook, as planned, was going to visit his house. Instead of heading to his company, Jungkook drove straight to Tae's house, his heart fluttering with anticipation of the cuddles he would receive from his bear.

Jungkook arrived at Tae's house and was greeted by Jin, who welcomed him with a warm hug. After exchanging pleasantries, Jungkook eagerly inquired about Tae's whereabouts. Jin informed him that Tae was in his room, likely occupied with some work. Without wasting a moment, Jungkook made his way to Tae's room, a place he was familiar with from his previous visits. His heart raced with anticipation as he approached, eager to see his beloved Tae.

Jungkook entered Tae's room without knocking, finding Tae lying on his stomach with his face buried in the pillow. He couldn't resist the urge to cuddle with him, so after removing his footwear, he settled on top of Tae, nuzzling his face into Tae's nape. Tae groaned at the sudden weight, recognizing Jungkook's presence.

"Kook?"... he mumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"Yes, baby''... Jungkook replied, planting kisses on Tae's nape, eliciting a contented sigh from Tae.

"When did you arrive?"...Tae inquired, still half-buried in the pillow.

"About 10 minutes ago, love''... Jungkook answered, as Tae hummed in acknowledgment.

"Get off me, you're heavy''...Tae whined playfully, prompting a laugh from Jungkook. He complied but pulled Tae onto his chest, and Tae smiled up at him, feeling the warmth of their closeness.

"my beautiful baby''...Jungkook murmured, gently poking Tae's nose, eliciting giggles from him. Leaning in for a kiss, Tae playfully diverted and kissed him on the corner of his lips, causing Jungkook to groan teasingly.

"Seems like you enjoy teasing me''... Jungkook remarked, squinting his eyes playfully at Tae, who nodded with a smirk. Suddenly, Jungkook seized Tae in a passionate kiss, catching him by surprise.

As the kiss intensified, Jungkook's lips trailed down to Tae's neck, leaving marks along the way. Tae moaned softly in response, encouraging Jungkook to deepen the sensation, applying more pressure to elicit those delightful sounds from Tae again and again.

"You're so sexy''....Jungkook murmured, his hands boldly roaming to Tae's backside, giving his ass a firm squeeze. Tae squirmed slightly at the unexpected touch, but Jungkook couldn't help but enjoy his reactions.

"And your peachy ass is even sexier''....Jungkook teased, relishing in Tae's expressions as he continued to squeeze gently. Their lips hovered tantalizingly close, brushing against each other, and Tae eagerly leaned in to initiate another kiss. As they parted, a long string of saliva connected their lips momentarily.

"I can't wait for the day when you'll be mine completely"...Jungkook confessed, holding Tae tighter against him. Tae, feeling content and loved, snuggled into Jungkook's chest, cherishing the warmth and security of their embrace while Jungkook continued to caress his soft ass affectionately.

As they sat together, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of affection, Tae could feel his heart beating faster with every passing moment. He took a deep breath, gathering the courage to express the depth of his feelings.

"I love you''... Tae said simply, but the weight of those words hung heavy in the air. Jungkook's expression softened, a tender smile gracing his lips as he reached out to gently cup Tae's cheek.

"I love you too, Tae, With all my heart''...he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Their eyes remained locked, conveying more than words ever could as they basked in the warmth of their shared affection, grateful for the bond that bound them together.

"Let's watch a movie''.... Jungkook suggested suddenly, breaking the tender silence that enveloped them.

"Sure, that sounds great''...Tae's eyes lit up with excitement at the idea, and he nodded eagerly in agreement.

With a smile, Jungkook reached for the remote control and turned on the TV, scrolling through the list of available movies. After a moment of browsing, he found one that caught his interest and selected it.

"How about this one?"... he asked, showing Tae the movie title on the screen.

"Sounds good to me''....Tae glanced at the screen and nodded in approval.

They settled back onto the bed, cuddling close as they prepared to lose themselves in the world of the movie, enjoying each other's company and the simple joy of being together.

As the movie progressed, they found themselves engrossed in a particular scene. Tae was captivated by its emotional depth, whereas Jungkook remained unconvinced.

"This scene is amazing''... Tae exclaimed, his eyes shining with admiration.

"I don't see what's so great about it. It's just average''....Jungkook furrowed his brows, disagreeing

"Are you serious? How can you not appreciate the intensity and emotion in this scene?"....Tae turned to him, surprised by his response

"I don't know, it just doesn't do it for me''...Jungkook shrugged, unmoved

Their disagreement escalated as they debated the merits of the scene, each defending their perspective passionately. Tae couldn't understand how Jungkook failed to see what he saw, while Jungkook remained steadfast in his opinion.

In the end, they agreed to disagree, opting to enjoy the rest of the movie together, regardless of their differing opinions.

As the movie ended, Tae felt a sudden urge to be closer to Jungkook. Without hesitation, he shifted into Jungkook's lap, feeling his arms instinctively wrap around his waist. Their chests pressed together, Tae leaned in and began to shower Jungkook's face with gentle kisses, each one leaving a sweet imprint.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile at Tae's affectionate display. He tilted his head slightly, allowing Tae easier access to his face, relishing in the warmth of his kisses.

In that intimate moment, surrounded by the quiet comfort of their shared space, Tae and Jungkook exchanged soft whispers of affection, their love for each other radiating between them like a warm embrace.

"Sometimes I wanna eat your cheeks''....Tae playfully remarked as he nibbled on Jungkook's cheek, eliciting laughter from Jungkook.

"And sometimes I wanna eat your asscheeks''...Jungkook responded bluntly carraseing his ass, making Tae to smack his arm in embarrassment.

"Seriously, Tae, they are so squeezy, squishy, soft, and what not''...Jungkook continued with a smirk, but he stopped when Tae tried to change the topic. To escape further embarrassment, Tae started nibbling on Jungkook's lips softly, eliciting soft sighs from Jungkook.

Tae pulled back, revealing a small hickey beneath Jungkook's lips, which made him smile. Jungkook naturally slid his hand inside Tae's top, feeling his warm skin, while Tae smiled back at him. They were in a comfortable position, with Tae sitting on Jungkook's lap and Jungkook half-laying down. Tae's chest was almost in front of Jungkook's face, but Jungkook diverted his attention, opting to hug Tae and snuggle into his chest, leaving the future for all other things..

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