MW 2019 - Prologue

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3 years after the war ended. President Boris Vorchevsky has resigned from he's position and elected a new President name "Vladimir Putin". Price continued serving the S.A.S. even in his age he's still kicking ass. Ghost on the hand has temporarily left the Task Force 141 and is now an F.B.I. agent working in England.

The scene changes at the CIA Station Chief Kate Laswell and Colonel Norris are seen exiting the operations tent after the operation in Verdansk, Kastovia ends in failure.

Laswell :This operation is now compartmentalized.

Norris :What the hell does that mean?!

Laswell :It means you no longer have clearance, Colonel.

Norris :Those are my Marines. We need a QRF in there right now.

Laswell :That's not advisable.

Norris :And that is not your call!

Lt. General Lyons appears.

Lyons :Colonel. Laswell.

Norris :General, my men are...

Lyons :Norris, give us a minute.

Norris :Yes, ma'am.

Norris leaves them.

Lyons :We've got a situation...The Kremlin has suspended all deconfliction channels...the Sixth Fleet is pushing into the Black Sea...and chemical weapons are now in the wild. Your fingerprints are all over this, Laswell. Fix it.

Laswell :General, right now intelligence is our best weapon.

Lyons :We've tried intelligence. Get me a better weapon.


The scene changes again to a tropic climate at night and some ruined buildings.

Laswell (in call) :John?

Price (on call) :Laswell.

Laswell (in call) :Where are you?

A sniper is seen setting up and mounting an AX-50 sniper rifle in the window in one of the ruined buildings. A car is seen approaching and the sniper is adjusting the scope.

Price (on call) :Occupied.

Laswell (in call) :I've got a problem.

Price (on call) :Russians?

Laswell (in call) :Word travels fast.

The sniper scope's crosshairs show it targeting the driver and the passenger of the car.

Laswell (in call) :Chemical weapons have fallen into terrorist hands. They could be anywhere. Paris, New York...

Price (on call) :London.

Laswell (in call) :Yes. And you know someone who could help you a hand.

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