MW II - Johnny

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Kate Laswell walks down the hallway of the Pentagon towards an office, carrying a tablet in her hands. Laswell knocks on the door to the office.

???? (inside) :Come in.

Laswell enters the office.

???? :Laswell.

Laswell :General Shepherd.

Sh*t, shepherd live. How the f*ck is he alive?

Shepherd :Boy, I know that look. Are we at war again?

Laswell :You would be the first to know, sir.

Shepherd :Damn right I would. Talk to me.

Laswell lays the tablet on Shepherd's desk, Shepherd has an eyepatch on his left eye, were he got stabbbed. An image of Hassan Zyani is displayed on the tablet screen.

Laswell :We have a hit on Ghorbrani's second-in-command.

Shepherd looks at the tablet.

Shepherd :Hassan Zyani. Quds Force major.

Laswell :He's taken up the mantle for Iran.

Shepherd :Supplying terrorists.

Laswell :Money, weapons, intel.

Shepherd :Well, he's ambitious.

Laswell :He's dangerous. He wants retaliation for the Ghorbrani strike. He's planning something.

Shepherd :We can't take him in Iran.

Laswell :...

Laswell swipes the tablet screen to reveal Al Mazrah.

Laswell :He's not in Iran. He's on the ground in Al Mazrah.

Shepherd :What the hell is he doing in Al Mazrah?

Laswell :There is only one way to find out, sir.

Shepherd :Well, let's get him.

Laswell :When?

Shepherd grins.

Shepherd :What time is it now?

Laswell :Who do we send?

The scene cuts to a military airbase in the Middle East. GHOST walks toward a military transport plane.

Shepherd (in radio) :You're wheels-up in five.

Ghost (using radio) :Roger.

Shepherd: Marines are loading in now. You and the Sergeant are leading the way on this.

A truck drives up and off-loads the Marines and Sergeant Johnny "Soap" MacTavish.

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