MW 2019 - Us Embassy

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"The Embassy"
October 28, 2019
Mission 36 - 20:56:02
SAS, CIA, Urzik Militia
Sakhra, Urzikstan

Ghost and Price are inside a helicopter flying towards the US embassy. Alex radios Ghost.

Alex Keller (in radio) :Ghost, Echo is on the third deck for RV... Be advised, primary exfil point is clear but that window is rapidly closing.

Ghost (using radio) :Roger. Wheels down in 3 mikes. 2-6, out.

Looks towards Price.

Ghost :Price. There in the 3rd deck of the building with the wolf.

Price :Roger that.

After some flying, Alex radios again.

Alex (in radio) : 3-1 to Ghost. Shots fired, moving to secure the HVI, will advise...

Ghost (in radio) :Copy, 3-1. Bravo's on station. Reposition and prep for evac.

UK Pilot 1 :30 seconds.

Price :Roger, 30 seconds.

Price opens the outer door of the helicopter as they fly over Sakhra, the capital of Urzikstan.

UK Pilot 1 :There's a large group of unknowns moving on the front gate.

Price and Ghost witness the large crowd gathered at the front gate as a firebomb is thrown over the fence.

Ghost (in russian) :*What the f*ck...*

Price :Al-Qatala's down there.

The crowd breaks through the front gate and spills into the main courtyard.

Ghost :Bloody hell, they've breached the perimeter.

Price :(to pilot) Put us on the roof.

UK Pilot 1 :Roger.

Price :(to Ghost) We have to reach Echo fast. They've got a lot of hell headed their way.

Ghost :Let's bloodying go Price.

Price hooks a rappelling rope to the door frame. The crowd opens fire on the helicopter with their rifles. Price and Garrick duck their heads a little.

UK Pilot 1 :Taking small-arms fire.

On a rooftop across from the embassy, an Al-Qatala fighter fires an RPG at the helicopter. Ghost spots the RPG barreling towards the helicopter.

Ghost :Sh*t, RPG!

The RPG strikes the helicopter and causes it to spin out of control.

UK Pilot 1 (using comms) :Lifter 1 is hit- we're hit! Power up! Stay on the collective!

Price kicks the rappelling rope out of the helicopter.

Price :Ropes! Go! Bail out! Bail out!

Ghost crawls forward with great effort to reach the rope. He stretches out with his hand and manages to grab on to the rope, exiting the helicopter with Price. Price and Ghost hold on to the rope tightly as the Black Hawk pilots fail to keep Lifter 1 in the air.

UK Pilot 1 (in radio) :Shit- I can't hold her. I can't hold her!

Price and Ghost manage to land on the roof and slide for a little before coming to a stop as Lifter 1 finally crashes down. The tail rotor hits a door hatch, comes loose and flies dangerously close to Price and Ghost, just missing them by inches as the two SAS soldiers duck their heads, but a second object flies towards Ghost, luckily it only hit his prosthetic. The Black Hawk explodes in a big fireball.

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