MW II - Laswell

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For why Shepherd live. Is because he survived the knife stabbed on his eye. It didn't very much pierce through him. He was also sentenced in court and sh*ts, but they just let him go, so yeah. F*ck.

Price and Ghost watch a video on their laptop of Kate Laswell in a moving vehicle, held at gunpoint a masked Al-Qatala fighter. General Shepherd is on the other line. Ghost gestures to Price, he doesn't wan't to talk with Shepherd. But Price insisted.

Ghost :This is proof of life.

Price :Where did this come from?

Shepherd (in laptop) :Urzikstan.

Price :Look... They're pointing east.

Shepherd (in laptop) :Likely at Al Mazrah.

Price :We'll lead the rescue team.

Price starts to move before Shepherd interjects.

Shepherd :That's not gonna happen, John.

Price stops in his tracks.

Ghost :Say again, Sh*thead?

Shepherd (in laptop) :This is a tug o' war, boys. We need to pull back, not lean forward.

Ghost :F*ck you. Since when, you bastard?

Shepherd (in laptop) :Since now. We can't just send in the cavalry. These things take planning and preparation.

Price :These things take violence and timing, I can do both. Kate's life is in a fuckin' hourglass.

An airborne UH-60 Black Hawk approaches, which Ghost waves down

Shepherd (in laptop) :I know you're upset, Captain. This happened on your mission and that's a tough pill to swallow.

Price :Are you telling me, we leave her?

Shepherd (in laptop) :I'm telling you I can't help you... But I won't stop you.

Price and Ghost look at each other for a moment.

Price :I'll have her back in twelve hours.

Before Price closes the laptop. Ghost give's Shepherd the middle finger.

Shepherd (in laptop) :Don't die doin' this, John. Laswell wouldn't want that. I don't either.

Price :General, I thought Kate was your friend?

Shepherd (in laptop) :War isn't about friends. It's about enemies. Good luck.

Price hands Ghost the laptop and they start walking toward the helicopter that's just landing.

Ghost :We'd be going head to head with AQ on their home turf. They're going to have hundreds more protecting Laswell. We need an army.

Price :I can get us an army.

Price and Ghost board the helicopter as Price turns to the cockpit.

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