MW II - AC-130 2nd

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Phillip Graves triumphantly slams his hands on the desk inside the AC-130 Gunship AKA Shadow-1.

Graves :Hook, line, and fuckin' sinker! That's what I'm talking about, Shadows. You know I love that shit! Comms, get me the General.

Shadow-1 Comms Ofc :Check.

General Shepherd's voice comes online.

Shepherd (in comms) :Graves, Actual. Make my day.

Graves (using comms) :We got him. Escorting him back to base as we speak.

Shepherd (in comms) :Make it quick, we can't hold him for long.

Graves (using comms) :Roger that.

The Shadow-1 TV operator's monitor activates, displaying the road leading through the town of Olmeda.

Shadow-1 Pilot :Approaching a town to the north, crew.

Shadow-1 TV Operator :Off the trigger.

The ground team's vehicle can be seen stopping on the road ahead.

Shadow-1 Nav :Be advised, friendlies have stopped on the road.

Graves (in radio) :All stations, what's the hold-up down there?

Alejandro (in radio) :Shadow-1, there's movement at the fuel station ahead. Possible cartel. Roping now.

Graves (in radio) :Copy. We'll recon the area. Be ready to move. TV, get a visual on that gas station, pronto.

Alejandro (in radio) :Shadow-1, we need to move now. Keep us covered.

Graves (in radio) :Copy. We'll do what we can from here.

The TV operator zooms in on the gas station ahead of the ground team and marks it.

Shadow-1 TV Operator :Copy visual.

Graves :Nav, set an overlay-ID on the gas station.

Shadow-1 Nav :Copy, OID set.

Shadow-1 FCO :Multiple unknowns in the area.

Graves :Scan for weapons. See if any cartel's looking for trouble.

The TV operator zooms in on the area and visually inspects the people on the ground.

Shadow-1 TV operator :No visual on weapons. More unknowns, south of the gas station.

Graves :Looks like a market.

Shadow-1 Nav :A-firm. Overlay-ID set.

Graves :Any sign of possible intent?

Shadow-1 Nav :Negative. From what we can see, it's clear.

Graves :Let's get this show on the road. All stations, no visible threats in the area. You are clear to proceed.

Alejandro (in radio) :Shadow-1, copy that. We're moving. Rodolfo, adelante. (Rodolfo, let's roll.)

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