MW II - Prologue (New Ghost?)

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Location :AL MAZRAH

The Perspective pans down to reveal a set of bootprints in the sand before cutting to a crevice in a rock formation. Someone on the radio spoke.

???? (in radio) :Gold Eagle Actual, Shadow-1 is weapons hot. We're burning daylight here...

Sunlight pours through the opening of the rock formation as a lone figure walks through the passageway. And another one spoke again on the radio. The voice was very familiar.

???? (in radio) :Copy, Graves. Stand by. Laswell, do we have confirmation?

Laswell (in radio) :Watcher-1 to Bravo 0-7, you in position?

The lone figure emerges from the passageway into the light, revealing himself to be another Ghost name Simonia "GHOST" Riley.

The lone figure emerges from the passageway into the light, revealing himself to be another Ghost name Simonia "GHOST" Riley

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(She's a Female version of Ghost) (Imagine her in that outfit)

Simonia "GHOST" Riley (using radio) :Nearly there.

The Perspective switches to Simonia's POV and...

JULY 15, 2020
MISSION 1 - 16:00:06

The sound of a helicopter is heard.

GHOST (using radio) :Got a heli incoming.

The helicopter passes over GHOST.

Laswell (in radio) :That's General Ghorbrani.

???? (in radio) :Right on time. Now, get up there and let's see what he's up to in the middle o' nowhere.

That voice is very f*cking familiar.

HOST makes her way through the passage as she climbs up rocks and reaches an opening that overlooks the vast desert area.

GHOST (using radio) :I'm eyes on.

Laswell (in radio) :What do you see?

GHOST takes out her scope and spots an entire group of vehicles, soldiers, weapons, and equipment gathered together.

GHOST (using radio) :Armed personnel, armor and hardware... All Russian.

???? (in radio) :What the hell are the Russians doin' with Ghorbrani?

Laswell (in radio) :Supplying Iran. It's an arms deal.

???? (in radio) :You copying this, Shadow-1?

Shadow-1 known as Graves spoke.

Graves (in radio) :Affirmative- two birds, one stone...

Laswell (in radio) :We need positive ID on Ghorbrani before we kick this off, boys.

???? (in radio) :GHOST, can you identify the General?

GHOST looks through her scope and spots several soldiers gathered around a lone military officer.

GHOST (using radio) :Armed escorts around one VIP. Russians are very happy to see him.

???? (in radio) :It'll be the last time they do...

The Russian soldiers escort the officer through the vehicles until the officer turns around, revealing himself to be General Ghorbrani. GHOST marks Ghorbrani with her scope.

GHOST (using radio) :Visual on General Ghorbrani.

Laswell (in radio) :Copy. All stations- target confirmed.

???? (in radio) :Shadow-1- You are cleared hot for launch.

Graves (in radio) :Roger that, Actual.

The scene changes to a truck with a cargo container on top.

Graves (using radio) :GHOST, you are danger close to the zone. This arrow's gonna pack a punch.

GHOST (in radio) :Copy. Approved. Send it.

The cargo container opens to reveal a missile launcher that arms and prepares to launch.

Graves (using radio) :All stations, Shadow-1. Missile is ready for immediate delivery, stand by for launch.

The Perspective pans sideways to reveal Phillip Graves seated at the missile controls.

Graves (using radio) :Coordinates in... Target designated... Two... One... Shot out.

The missile launches while several soldiers from Shadow Company stand guard outside.

Graves (using radio) :Missile is loose.

The missiles flies over the desert and enters a low-lying canyon.

Graves (in radio) :Link is good, target acquired. This will take some manual guidance to hold her.

The missile progresses on its flight path.

Graves (in radio) :Missile bearing northeast at 0-6-5 degrees at Mach 3... Altitude 500 meters.

???? (in radio) :You're right in the pocket, stay with it...

Graves (in radio) :Check, coming' in hot... Brace for impact.

The missile engages its boost as it approaches its target.

Graves (in radio) :Time to target 5 seconds... Termination in 3, 2, 1...

The missile hits the Russian convoy, producing a massive explosion in the area. The shockwave from the explosion passes by GHOST, who remains unscathed.

Ghost (using radio) :Bloody fucking hell. Direct... Target destroyed...

Cuts To Black.....

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