chapter 3

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Kazama rolled on his bed again, his thoughts were filled with only one person, Shinchan.

Who does Shinchan likes? He wants to ask this question but he doesn't want to seem desperate.

He was annoyed. But shouldn't he be happy? If Shinchan starts dating someone, he would leave him alone.

But why does he not like the idea of Shinchan leaving him alone or was it He doesn't like Shinchan dating someone.

Kazama turned around and laid face down on his bed, his face buried in the pillow and a groan escaped his mouth.

The next day, Kazama had bags under his eyes, he couldn't sleep a wink.

Shinchan entered the class and sat infront of Kazama, when he got to take a clear look at the blue haired boy, he saw the bags,"Kazama are you okay?"

Kazama looked up from his book,"Does it seem like I am okay?"

Shinchan mumbled something which Kazama didn't understand. After a while for sake of his sleep, kazama decided to ask,"Who do you like?"
Somehow saying the word love made his stomach twist and his heart clenched.

Shinchan sighed,"I can't tell you that. I have known that person for a long while. I can only tell you this much."

Kazama grew even more curious,"Is that person in our school?"

However Shinchan didn't answer. Though in his heart he yelled "It's you Kazama! I love you!"

Shinchan was thankful that the teacher arrived and he was able to escape the questioning for a while.

Kazama couldn't focus on studying at all. If Shinchan knows that person for a long while it means they could have gone to same school.

shin Chan ×kazma Where stories live. Discover now