chapter 19

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Shinchan began, he looked at Kazama asking if he could tell her sister that they started dating, Shinchan didn't want to make Kazama uncomfortable, although he really wanted to tell his sister he won't say anything if Kazama says no.

"If you are dating, I am okay with it and I am pretty sure mom and dad would be okay too, so need to lie." Himawari said as she shrugged her shoulders, she could see that her brother was starting to panic, she knew from the beginning that her brother liked Kazama, how can someone not notice the way Shinchan looks at Kazama, eyes filled with hearts.

Kazama looked her the girl, a lump in his throat, he wanted to deny but looking into Shinchan's eyes he smiled softly, "I- yes...hope you don't mind."

The way Shinchan's heart skipped a beat when Kazama smiled and accepted made Shinchan want to jump towards him and kiss him, it took everything Shinchan had to keep cool, Himawari smiled, "Obviously I am okay with it, you don't know how long I had to watch this idiot crushing over you." She said as she pointed her finger at Shinchan who frowned.

Hearing this Kazama turned to Shinchan, "You had a crush on me? Since when?"

"Since As long as I can remember hehe~," Shinchan said with his weird grin + smirk. And Kazama felt warm all over, he wanted to just grab Shinchan by his face and kiss him again but he controlled his urge as Himawari was still standing there. All three of them looked at each other in silence, until a voice came from downstairs, "Shinchan, Himawari, We are back!"

Himawari gave the two a look and walked down, "Welcome Back, Mom and Dad."
While Himwari greeted their parents, Shinchan held Kazama's hand as he asked, "Will it be okay If I tell my parents that I am dating you? I-I am okay if you don't want just so you know they are supportive and the love you."

Kazama was scared, he did want to tell but at the same time, he didn't. What if Shinchan's parents weren't accepting, what if they tell them to separate, so many things were uncertain and he found that he wasn't able to breathe until Shinchan told him, "Kazama breathe. Toru Breathe. It's okay. Everything is Okay."

The blue-haired teen looked at Shinchan, and thought, Shinchan was so nice, yes he was an annoying brat who likes to tease him but he meant no harm, that's just how he is.

But seeing that Shinchan took care of him so much, he didn't want the raven to lie to his parents so he said, "Okay Let's tell your parents."

"Really? You mean it?" Shinchan obviously looked happy but then his smile faded, "Look Toru we don't have to if you don't want to."

"Shinchan listen to me, I want to tell them. I really do. So let's go down and stop making them wait." Kazama said as he held Shinchan's hand and started to walk down.

shin Chan ×kazma Where stories live. Discover now