Chapter 28 - The Sleepover part 2

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Meanwhile back at the house...

Declan POV

I don't know why Lucia and I willingly volunteered ourselves to spend Saturday night with three 10 year old boys and a toddler but here we are. Probably because we can never turn down the opportunity to hang out with our little siblings. They give me puppy eyes and I cave. Every time.

The night has been okay so far, the parents instructions were easy; feed them, entertain them, put them to bed and don't burn down the house.

The parents have just left, I'm surprised none of them threw a fit. I was a very clingy kid and almost always cried whenever my parents dropped me off at school or sleepovers. Mason and Hugo have put their overnight bags in Alec's room and all the kids are now crowded in the lounge.

Alec and Mason are watching some cartoons of some sort, Millie is playing with some little animals with Lucia and Hugo is quietly watching them while sketching on a little sketch book he brought.

I don't know the twin boys very well but I can already pick up that Mason is more outgoing, loud and outdoorsy while Hugo is reserved, artsy and shy. I decide not to disturb the kids and quietly sit on a recliner watching them do their thing.

After a while or so, the boys episode concludes and Mason huffs.

"I'm bored! Can we go outside?" He grumbles.

"No, it's cold outside Mason. I don't wanna go." Hugo responds and goes back to drawing. I wonder what he's drawing.

"No one asked you." Mason says my face sterns. I have no idea how to show authority to some kids I only met an hour ago but I have to. Somehow my response comes naturally.

"Cut it out, both of you." I say sternly and Hugo is quick to mumble an apology and keep drawing. Mason keeps his stern composer, doesn't crack but doesn't speak or comment.

"Millie's just said she wants to go outside too. So how about if you wanna go outside come with me, if not then stay inside with Declan while he starts cooking dinner." My sister suggests and I nod agreeingly. Props to Lucia for coming up with a solution.

"I'm going outside." Mason announces, quick to jump out of his spot on the couch.

"Same." Alec declares and follows suit.

"Me 3!" Millie giggles and toddles her way to her toy box to place her doll inside.

"I think I wanna stay here." Hugo says quietly. I can tell he is shy but I don't want him to be alone or left out.

"You sure buddy? It'll be just you and me." I inform him and my words seem to have the opposite effect. Instead of pressing him to go outside and socialize, the idea of them leaving and it being quiet seems to make him more sure.

"Yup, I'm sure." He confirms

I decide not to push him further and watch as Lucia gets the kids shoes on and leads the 3 who wish to be outside, through the back door onto the grass. I head into the kitchen to start cooking dinner. I was told there were frozen chicken nuggets, chips and to steam some broccoli. Super easy.

I lay out all the frozen food on an oven tray and place them into the pre heated oven, I turn on the stove top and place the cutted up broccoli stalks into the boiling water. As I'm cleaning I take a glance at the kids. I look through the window and see Alec and Mason playing football, Alec kicking the ball with his crutches, and Millie swinging on a swing at her playset with Lucia pushing her.

In the lounge Hugo is sketching and humming to himself. It does make me kind of sad that he is excluding himself but he seems so shy and I don't want to push him. So I decided to go and talk to him.

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