Chapter 29 - The First Day of School (Flashback)

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This chapter is dedicated to my best friend. You've been there since my first day at primary school and my life is better because you're in it. Thank you ❤️

Alec POV -

5 years ago...

Tomorrow is a very big day! I'm going to go to school! I'm super duper excited and daddy works there and it's got a super big playground. But Papa and Daddy said I have to learn stuff and that there are big kids. I'm scared of big kids.

And there are no more nap times. I love nap time!

Papa just finished making dinner and it smells yummy. I keep playing with my dinosaur toy, his name is Jeffery and he is a T-Rex. He is going to the moon with his friends. I'm just about to land the rocket shop when Daddy calls.

"Pumpkin, dinner time." He says

I hop up and run to the table and sit in my chair. My seat has a cushion on it because I'm still a little small.

"Alrighty, here is your milk." Daddy says and places my plastic green cup of milk by me.

"Thank you daddy." I giggle

"Your'e very welcome, my special little prince." He says and does a little bow and curtsey. I start laughing a lot because daddy is silly.

"Here you go baby." Papa says as he places a plate in front of me. It has fish fingers, mashed potatoes and green beans.

"No green beans Papa!" I say and try to push the plate back to him, green beans yucky.

"Yes Green beans. Eat just a couple for papa okay?" He reasons and gives me this scary look and I nod softly.

"Good boy." He praises and I smile.

I eat my dinner while Papa and Daddy talk about work and boring adult stuff. Papa says he had 'meetings' and sent 'emails' but I don't know what that is. They said something about 'taxes' and giving money to some people. That sounds stupid. Why are they giving their money to someone else? It must be boring to do work and be an adult.

I like being a kid, I get to play, have yummy food made for me, not have to spend money and can run around in the garden all day long!

When I finish all my food I put my fork down and raise my arms up smiling and giggling.

"Daddy! Papa! I finished!" I announce happily and cheer, Papa and Daddy look at me and smile.

"Well done honey! Let's get you out to play before bath time." Papa says and I'm quick to scramble away from the table and get back to my dinosaurs.

I pick up Jefferey The T-Rex and his friends and land them on the moon. Then they look around the moon in their cool space suits and they put a flag with a little dinosaur on it on the moon. Jeffery leads his friends around the moon and they jump super high and touch the stars.

"Alec, bath time." I hear Daddy say and I grumble.

"I wanna keep playing." I whine and I regret it, daddy and papa say whining won't get me my way.

"No whining, bath now. Come here please." He tells me and I stand up and go to him. I take his hand and he leads me upstairs

Daddy makes me wait while he runs the bath for me. Once it's full of bubbles I get undressed and let daddy place me in the water.

"I'll be back in a second, honey. Gotta make sure your squeaky clean for school tomorrow!" He says and leaves the bathroom. I occupy myself with my bath toys and tip the water in and out with this red and blue pail.

Eighteen Years LaterWhere stories live. Discover now