Part 26

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Ash come up to where I was sitting and took my bowl and his to the sink, and started watching to his room or well ours now I guess and motioned for me to follow, so I did if you've seen ash you know when he tells you to do something your don't ignore him. You don't tell a teenage drug dealer so never smiles and  who had face tats and owns gun no I don't feel like following you to our room. He closed the door behind us and sat on his bed then looked at the spot next to him pretty much telling me to sit. so now we're both sitting on the bed a good distance away from each other awkwardly staring at the wall. After about 5 minutes of awkward deafening silence I decide to go ahead and be the first one to say something since it's my fault we're in this situation. I turn my head to look at him.
"Ash I'm sorry I-I wasn't expecting you to be getting dressed I'm sorry." I could tell ash was embarrassed and trying to act normal and not look at me and remain looking at the wall infront of us.

"Maybe knock next time and I'll get the lock on my door fixed, you didn't like see anything right?" He looked embarrassed to be asking but almost desperate for the answer to be no I didn't and not have to deal with the thought and awkwardly having to deal with me seeing him naked and trying to walk around the house carefully avoiding each other to embarrassed to look each other in the eyes.

"Uh no I didn't see from the angle you were standing you were kinda turned away from the door i I looked away quickly so I only saw your boxers." He nodded relieved I hadn't see him naked.
"Good good uh yeah." He mumbled awkwardly and scratched his neck not knowing what to say in this awkward conversation.

The awkward silence come over us again as both of don't know what to say. I think both of us realize how awkward and different it's going sharing a room with a person of the opposite gender. Even more so when we haven't known each other long and didn't grow up together and not even friends.

We had to get used to the fact I was a girl and he was a boy and it was impossible to avoid awkward interaction sometimes. He was a guy who knows nothing about girls since fez raised him and has had no female presence in his life and I had only had grown ups around me not to mention I'm scared of grown men.

I got up and started to put away more of my stuff it was clear I'd be here longer than just a month or two. Rubin left me for good,I'm not even related to mouse but he's more of a father to me than I've ever had, so I think it's safe to assume that I'm staying with fez and ash now. Ash had cleared 2 drawers for me out of his dresser so 2 were mine and he had the other 2. He always gave me some hangers in the closet. In once draw i out my pants and in the other my bras and underwear and socks. I could tell ash was watching me but he looked away when he saw I was putting my undergarments and stuff I the drawers.

I went over to the closet and hung up my hoodies and shirts and I see ash side eyeing me.
"What?" He quickly looked away.
"Nothin nothing else to do so.." I roll my eyes and go to see what fez is up to.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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