Pity Party

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Bella's POV:

How could he? It's kinda rude to do something like that. His world can't revolve around me all the time. Like, hello? He would probably decapitate someone who knew I was in trouble but ignored it.

I sighed as I went to put my lunch tray up. Edward beside me immediately after, "Hey."

He grinned at me, "Oh, I thought you were mad." He sounded genuinely relieved.

I rolled my eyes, "No, it's whatever at this point. Just don't do it again."

"Alright," he said a little too quickly. I let out a sigh of relief when we reached the biology room.

We walked in and sat silently. "Hey, Bella!" Angela walked over to me smiling.

"What's up?"

"I'm having a small party at my house tomorrow, for my birthday," she looked giddy, "Wanna come?"

She was practically bouncing up and down, then she looked at Edward. "Sorry! You can come too if you'd like," she looked guilty, as if it had been amazingly rude not to invite him.

He nodded, "I would, but me and my brothers and I have a camping trip. Bella could come though."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, I'll be there Ange."

She nodded, "Thanks! Bye, Bella!" She walked back to her seat, managing to sit down before the bell rang.

Mr.Banner began class, and since Esme had already taught me about this, I pulled out my notebook. I wrote down my list of things I needed to go shopping for.

I looked up to see Edward studying the list in his peripheral vision. I rolled my eyes and shut the notebook, listening to Mr.Banner.

The lesson stretched on for what felt like years. I reopened my notebook and began doodling.

Once, again, Edward was watching, but I didn't care. I drew things that would look simple to the mine, but when rearranged, were my former favorite place.

I drew flowers, castles, people, and animals. I drew and drew until my hands started cramping.

I sighed, looking up at the clock. The bell would ring in 59 seconds.

I began packing up inconspicuously. I didn't even realize he'd assigned homework until I looked at the board.

I sighed and continued packing, who gives homework over spring break? I shook my head in disapproval as I slung my bag over my shoulder.

The bell rang about a second or two later. I skipped out the door, walking to the gymnasium, almost. "What?" I demanded.

He caught my shoulder and was looking at me intently, "We're going shopping after school."

"And, that was so important, why?" I asked. The way he was looking at me, it was like he'd hang me from the gallows.

"Nevermind," he muttered. I kissed his cheek to make him feel better, and sprinted to phys ed.

I quickly changed into my uniform and sat on the bleachers. "Bella!" Jessica whispered. "Guess what?"

"What's up?"

"Mike asked me to be his girlfriend!" she was jumping up and down, and I just noticed Mike's arm around her shoulder.

"Congrats!" I looked at Mike, "If something happens, I'll kill you."

"Bella, why do you look so seri-"

I cut him off, "Because I am."

He rolled his eyes and Coach Clapp announced we could either practice for sports, or leave.

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