Meeting James

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Bella's POV:

A vampire with blood red eyes and pale skin emerged. He gestured for me to come to him, so I met him in the middle of the room.

He started circling me, "You're strange."

"How so?" I asked lamely. The longer I could stretch this out, the better. He seemed like a pretty average vampire to me.

"Well, most humans have a sense of life-preservation. You seem to not," he sounded confused.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," I replied. "So, why'd you go after me again?"

"Don't you remember?" he stopped and turned his head to the side.

"Nah, I was sleeping. This is my first time seeing you," I admitted.

"Well, it's not you I necessarily want. See, I'm a master tracker, and once I see something that could be a prize, I go after it!" he explained.

"Take the girl in the field, the one with black hair-"

"Alice! What do you want with Alice?" I screamed.

"Interrupting is quite rude you know," he lectured. I rolled my eyes and he continued, "She was a prize I thought would be worth my time. Her blood smelled amazing, wonderous, no offense. Yours does too, but not as well as hers did."

"Just spit it out," I muttered.

"You really don't care about your life do you?" he snapped. "Because I can make this as pain-"

"Just continue on with the story?" I pleaded.

He rolled his eyes, "Anyways, I tracked her for months. When she was put in the asylum, I figured it was my chance. But she saw me coming, of course. So the old vamp took, and bit her." He smirked evilly, "Now, I killed him of course. But, your coven should be proud. They kept the only one that got away!"

"Oh, how intriguing," I replied sarcastically.

"Indeed," he replied. "So, since you were so easy to catch. I'll just hope your boyfriend, I presume? Comes after me. What was his name again, Edward?"

I rolled my eyes. Really? Pretending like he didn't have his name engraved in the back of his head. "I wrote him a letter, asking him not too."

"How romantic! A last letter, and a last request. Do you think he'll grant it?" he asked.

"I hope so," I choked. I'm going to die. I don't know why the realization hit just now.

"Well, our hopes differ then!" he laughed, "Mind if I give Edward a little letter myself?"

"Knock yourself out," I mocked. He rolled his eyes again and pulled out a camera, and the circling begun again.

"So, why are you hunting me again?" I asked.

"Well, normally I wouldn't care about someone like you, no offense. But, you had a whole coven, protecting you. Like you were the jewel in their crown." He said in amazement, "And your boyfriend's reaction in the field! That was the finishing touch."

I nodded, "Sounds like he did something stupid again," I muttered. He ignored me and kept walking.

After with laps I was growing impatient, "Are you done yet?" The bravado was wearing off and I was getting annoyed.

He sighed, "You really just don't know when to quit do you?"

He backed me up into a wall, and held the camera close. I rolled my eyes and he threw me across the room.

A bloodcurling scream came from somewhere in the room, "Yes, very nice. Very, visually dynamic. I chose my stage well."

It took me a minute to realize the scream came from me, and another one came.

James held up one of my bleeding legs and I screamed again. "Would you like to rethink your last request? Wouldn't it be nice if Edward hunted me? As a consequence for putting you through all of this pain?"

"No! No Ed-" he stepped on my leg and I heard it snap. I screamed again. I prepared myself for pain, but not this. "Please, don't!"

He sighed, then stepped on my arm. Another scream. "Stop!" I yelled.

"Tell him, and I'll snap your neck. You'll die painlessly," he smirked.

"Nol!" I yelled. Oh no. I was slurring my words, I was dizzy, and bleeding.

I closed my eyes and felt my hand being lifted and then it felt as if it was being pinched. James looked at me when they were opened. "He won't be able to help himself now." he smirked.

I heard something crash. I tried to open my eyes, but they wouldn't listen. I felt like I was being pressed underwater.

My eyelids flickered open, and now refused to close. I saw an angel, no, it was Edward. He was weeping. "No! Bella!"

He looked at me, "Tell me you're okay!" he screamed.

"Eddy," I tried.

Carlisle's voice also came, "Hold your breath, Alice. It'll help with the smell."

"Eddy," I tried again.

His eyes widened, "Yes! I'm right here, Bella."

"Get me my bag, Alice!" Carlisle commanded.

"Alice?" I mumbled.

"Yes, she led us here. She knew exactly where to find you," he whispered.

"My hand!" I screamed. My hand was on fire. Couldn't they see it?

"I know, I kn-"

"My hand is on fire!" I screamed.

His eyes went even wider, "He bit her." Carlisle murmured.

Edward got up, and I tried to reach out to him, but the fire denied me the right. "You son of a bit-" I stopped listening.

I heard something fall to the ground, and Edward was back. "Can't you suck the venom out Carlisle?" He pleaded.

"She's lost too much blood, you'll have to do it," he sighed, "Or she'll have to finish the transition."

"Edward, she'll be like us! I've seen it!" Alice added.

"What if I can't stop?" he whispered.

"Son, you have to decide now!" Carlisle yelled.

I screamed again, and Edward sighed. "I'm gonna make the pain go away, Bella."

I tried to nod, but a scream came out instead. Edward placed his mouth right where the pinch had been, and left it there.

The fire slowly began to receed until it was gone. I sighed in relief and let myself fall asleep.

I dreamed of being home, home and with my friends.

Me and Edward laying in the meadow. Him sparking by my side. Smiling at me.

Bella and The CullensOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora